list method

Future<HmacKeysMetadata> list(
  1. String projectId, {
  2. int? maxResults,
  3. String? pageToken,
  4. String? serviceAccountEmail,
  5. bool? showDeletedKeys,
  6. String? userProject,
  7. String? $fields,

Retrieves a list of HMAC keys matching the criteria.

Request parameters:

projectId - Name of the project in which to look for HMAC keys.

maxResults - Maximum number of items to return in a single page of responses. The service uses this parameter or 250 items, whichever is smaller. The max number of items per page will also be limited by the number of distinct service accounts in the response. If the number of service accounts in a single response is too high, the page will truncated and a next page token will be returned.

pageToken - A previously-returned page token representing part of the larger set of results to view.

serviceAccountEmail - If present, only keys for the given service account are returned.

showDeletedKeys - Whether or not to show keys in the DELETED state.

userProject - The project to be billed for this request.

$fields - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

Completes with a HmacKeysMetadata.

Completes with a commons.ApiRequestError if the API endpoint returned an error.

If the used http.Client completes with an error when making a REST call, this method will complete with the same error.


async.Future<HmacKeysMetadata> list(
  core.String projectId, { maxResults,
  core.String? pageToken,
  core.String? serviceAccountEmail,
  core.bool? showDeletedKeys,
  core.String? userProject,
  core.String? $fields,
}) async {
  final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
    if (maxResults != null) 'maxResults': ['${maxResults}'],
    if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken],
    if (serviceAccountEmail != null)
      'serviceAccountEmail': [serviceAccountEmail],
    if (showDeletedKeys != null) 'showDeletedKeys': ['${showDeletedKeys}'],
    if (userProject != null) 'userProject': [userProject],
    if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],

  final _url =
      'projects/' + commons.escapeVariable('$projectId') + '/hmacKeys';

  final _response = await _requester.request(
    queryParams: _queryParams,
  return HmacKeysMetadata.fromJson(
      _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);