cancel method

  1. @override
Future<bool> cancel()

Cancels the current task.

Calling this method will cause the task to fail. Both the Future (onComplete) and stream (streamEvents) will trigger an error with a FirebaseException.


Future<bool> cancel() async {
  try {
    if (!_initialTaskCompleter.isCompleted) {
      await _initialTaskCompleter.future;

    Map<String, dynamic>? data = await
        .invokeMapMethod<String, dynamic>('Task#cancel', <String, dynamic>{
      'handle': _handle,

    bool success = data!['status'];
    if (success) {
      _snapshot = MethodChannelTaskSnapshot(storage, TaskState.canceled,
          Map<String, dynamic>.from(data['snapshot']));
    return success;
  } catch (e, stack) {
    return catchFuturePlatformException<bool>(e, stack);