FirebaseUILocalizationLabels class abstract

An abstract class containing all labels that concrete languages should provide.

The easiest way to override some of these labels is to provide an object that extends DefaultLocalizations and pass it to the MaterialApp.localizationsDelegates.

import 'package:firebase_ui_localizations/firebase_ui_localizations.dart';

class LabelOverrides extends DefaultLocalizations {
  const LabelOverrides();

  String get emailInputLabel => 'Enter your email';

  // ...
  localizationsDelegates: [
    FirebaseUILocalizations.withDefaultOverrides(const LabelOverrides()),




accessDisabledErrorText String
Used as an error message when account is blocked and user tries to perform some actions with the account (e.g. unlinking a credential).
no setter
arrayLabel String
no setter
booleanLabel String
no setter
cancelButtonLabel String
Cancel button label
no setter
cancelLabel String
no setter
checkEmailHintText String
Hint text prompting the user to check email for verification link
no setter
chooseACountry String
Used as a label of the country code picker dropdown.
no setter
confirmDeleteAccountAlertMessage String
Delete account confirmation dialog message
no setter
confirmDeleteAccountAlertTitle String
Delete account confirmation dialog title
no setter
confirmDeleteAccountButtonLabel String
Confirm delete account button label
no setter
confirmPasswordDoesNotMatchErrorText String
Used as an error text when provided passwords do not match.
no setter
confirmPasswordInputLabel String
Used as a label of the PasswordInput that confirms a provided password.
no setter
confirmPasswordIsRequiredErrorText String
Used as an error text when PasswordInput used to confirm the password is empty.
no setter
confirmUnlinkButtonLabel String
Unlink confirmation button label
no setter
continueText String
Used as a label of the submit button that takes the user to the next step of the authenticatiion flow.
no setter
countryCode String
Used as a placeholder of the country code input.
no setter
credentialAlreadyInUseErrorText String
Error text that is show when user tries to use an OAuth provider that doesn't belong to currently signed in user account.
no setter
deleteAccount String
Used as a label of the DeleteAccountButton.
no setter
differentMethodsSignInTitleText String
Used as a title of the dialog that indicates that there are different available sign in methods for a provided email.
no setter
disable String
Button label that suggests to disable 2FA
no setter
dismissButtonLabel String
no setter
doneButtonLabel String
Done button label
no setter
eastInitialLabel String
no setter
emailInputLabel String
Used as a label of the EmailInput.
no setter
emailIsNotVerifiedText String
Message indicating that email is not verified
no setter
emailIsRequiredErrorText String
Used as an error text of the EmailInput when the email is empty.
no setter
emailLinkSignInButtonLabel String
Used as a label of the EmailLinkSignInButton.
no setter
emailTakenErrorText String
Used as an error message when the user tries to sign up with an email that is already used.
no setter
enable String
Button label that suggests to enable 2FA
no setter
enableMoreSignInMethods String
Used as a hint to connect more providers.
no setter
enterSMSCodeText String
Used as a label of the SMSCodeInput.
no setter
findProviderForEmailTitleText String
Used as a title of the FindProvidersForEmailView.
no setter
forgotPasswordButtonLabel String
Used as a label of the ForgotPasswordButton.
no setter
forgotPasswordHintText String
Used as a hint on a ForgotPasswordView.
no setter
forgotPasswordViewTitle String
Used as a title of the ForgotPasswordView.
no setter
geopointLabel String
no setter
goBackButtonLabel String
Used as a label of the back button.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
invalidCountryCode String
Used as an error text when provide country code is invalid.
no setter
invalidVerificationCodeErrorText String
Error text indicating that entered SMS code is invalid
no setter
isNotAValidEmailErrorText String
Used as an error text of the EmailInput if the provided email is not valid.
no setter
latitudeLabel String
no setter
linkEmailButtonText String
Used as a label of the EmailForm submit button when the AuthAction is
no setter
longitudeLabel String
no setter
mapLabel String
no setter
mfaTitle String
2-step verification settings tile title.
no setter
name String
Used as a placeholder of the EditableUserDisplayName.
no setter
northInitialLabel String
no setter
nullLabel String
no setter
numberLabel String
no setter
off String
Label that suggests that 2-step verification is not enabled
no setter
okButtonLabel String
OK button label
no setter
on String
Label that suggests that 2-step verification is enabled
no setter
passwordInputLabel String
Used as a label of the PasswordInput.
no setter
passwordIsRequiredErrorText String
Used as an error text when PasswordInput is empty.
no setter
passwordResetEmailSentText String
Indicates that the password reset email was sent.
no setter
phoneInputLabel String
Used as a label of the PhoneInput.
no setter
phoneNumberInvalidErrorText String
Used as an error text when PhoneInput contains an invalid phone number.
no setter
phoneNumberIsRequiredErrorText String
Used as an error text when PhoneInput is empty.
no setter
phoneVerificationViewTitleText String
Used as a title of the PhoneInputView.
no setter
profile String
A title of the ProfileScreen.
no setter
provideEmail String
Used as a title of the EmailSignUpDialog.
no setter
referenceLabel String
no setter
registerActionText String
Used as a label of the EmailForm submit button when the AuthAction is AuthAction.signUp.
no setter
registerHintText String
Used as a hint text of the LoginView suggesting to create a new account.
no setter
registerText String
Used as a title of the LoginView when AuthAction is AuthAction.signUp.
no setter
resendVerificationEmailButtonLabel String
Button label that suggests to resend verification email
no setter
resetPasswordButtonLabel String
Used as a label of submit button of the ForgotPasswordView.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sendLinkButtonLabel String
Used as a label of the submit button on the EmailLinkSignInView.
no setter
sendVerificationEmailLabel String
Used as a button label to send a verification email
no setter
signInActionText String
Used as a label of the EmailForm submit button when the AuthAction is AuthAction.signIn.
no setter
signInHintText String
Used as a hint text of the LoginView suggesting to sign in instead of registering a new account.
no setter
signInMethods String
Used as a label of the row showing connected providers.
no setter
signInText String
Used as a title of the LoginView when AuthAction is AuthAction.signIn.
no setter
signInWithAppleButtonText String
Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Apple provider.
no setter
signInWithEmailLinkSentText String
Indicates that email with a sign in link was sent.
no setter
signInWithEmailLinkViewTitleText String
Used as a title on the EmailLinkSignInView.
no setter
signInWithFacebookButtonText String
Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Facebook provider.
no setter
signInWithGoogleButtonText String
Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Google provider.
no setter
signInWithPhoneButtonText String
Used as a label of the PhoneVerificationButton.
no setter
signInWithTwitterButtonText String
Used as a label of the OAuthProviderButton for Twitter provider.
no setter
signOutButtonText String
Used as a label of the SignOutButton.
no setter
smsAutoresolutionFailedError String
Used as an error text when AutoresolutionFailedException is being thrown.
no setter
southInitialLabel String
no setter
stringLabel String
no setter
timestampLabel String
no setter
typeLabel String
no setter
ulinkProviderAlertTitle String
Title that is shown in AlertDialog asking for provider unlink confirmation
no setter
unknownError String
Used as a generic error message when unable to resolve error details from Exception or FirebaseAuthException.
no setter
unlinkProviderAlertMessage String
Text that is shown as a message of the AlertDialog confirming provider unlink
no setter
updateLabel String
no setter
uploadButtonText String
UploadButton label
no setter
userNotFoundErrorText String
Used as an error message when the account for provided email was not found.
no setter
valueLabel String
no setter
verificationEmailSentText String
Hint text indicating that verification email has been sent
no setter
verificationEmailSentTextShort String
Short version of the hint text indicating that verification email has been sent
no setter
verificationFailedText String
Message indicating that something went wrong during email verification
no setter
verifyCodeButtonText String
Used as a label of the submit button of the SMSCodeInputView.
no setter
verifyEmailTitle String
EmailVerificationScreen title
no setter
verifyingSMSCodeText String
Used as a status text of the SMSCodeInput when code verification is in progress.
no setter
verifyItsYouText String
Used as a title of the dialog that requires re-authentication of the user when performing destructive actions.
no setter
verifyPhoneNumberButtonText String
Used as a label of the submit button of the PhoneInputView.
no setter
waitingForEmailVerificationText String
Message indicating that email is being verified
no setter
weakPasswordErrorText String
Error text suggesting that used password is too weak
no setter
westInitialLabel String
no setter
wrongOrNoPasswordErrorText String
Used as an error text of the PasswordInput when provided password is empty or is not correct.
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.