instanceFor static method

FirebaseStorage instanceFor({
  1. FirebaseApp? app,
  2. String? bucket,

Returns an instance using a specified FirebaseApp and/or custom storage bucket.

If app is not provided, the default Firebase app will be used. If bucket is not provided, the default storage bucket will be used.


static FirebaseStorage instanceFor({
  FirebaseApp? app,
  String? bucket,
}) {
  app ??=;

  if (bucket == null && app.options.storageBucket == null) {
    if ( == defaultFirebaseAppName) {
          'No default storage bucket could be found. Ensure you have correctly followed the Getting Started guide.');
    } else {
          "No storage bucket could be found for the app '${}'. Ensure you have set the [storageBucket] on [FirebaseOptions] whilst initializing the secondary Firebase app.");

  String _bucket = bucket ?? app.options.storageBucket!;

  // Previous versions allow storage buckets starting with "gs://".
  // Since we need to create a key using the bucket, it must not include "gs://"
  // since native does not include it when requesting the bucket. This keeps
  // the code backwards compatible but also works with the refactor.
  if (_bucket.startsWith('gs://')) {
    _bucket = _bucket.replaceFirst('gs://', '');

  String key = '${}|$_bucket';
  if (_cachedInstances.containsKey(key)) {
    return _cachedInstances[key]!;

  FirebaseStorage newInstance = FirebaseStorage._(app: app, bucket: _bucket);
  _cachedInstances[key] = newInstance;

  return newInstance;