firestorePost function

Future<bool> firestorePost(
  1. CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>> collectionReference,
  2. String doc,
  3. Map<String, dynamic> data, {
  4. bool merge = true,

This is a simple helper function for firestore posting requests. It returns a bool value if the request was successful or not. It takes the collection reference, the document name and the data to be saved. The merge parameter is optional and defaults to true. If merge is true, the data will be merged with the existing data.


Future<bool> firestorePost(
    CollectionReference<Map<String, dynamic>> collectionReference,
    String doc,
    Map<String, dynamic> data,
    {bool merge = true}) async {
  bool result = false;
  try {
    await collectionReference
        .set(data, merge ? SetOptions(merge: true) : SetOptions(merge: false))
        .then((value) {
      result = true;
      logger.d("Firestore request successful.");
    }).catchError((error) {
      logger.d("Error at saving data to firestore $error");
  } catch (exception) {
    logger.d("[Caught] Error at saving data to firestore $exception");
  return result;