alreadyConsumed property

bool? get alreadyConsumed

Decoded App Check token. Indicates if the token has been consumed.

@remarks false value indicates that this is the first time the App Check service has seen this token and marked the token as consumed for future use of the token.

true value indicates the token has previously been marked as consumed by the App Check service. In this case, consider taking extra precautions, such as rejecting the request or requiring additional security checks.


// TODO: Implement this class
// external DecodedAppCheckToken get token;

/// Indicates if the token has been consumed.
/// @remarks
/// `false` value indicates that this is the first time the App Check service has seen this token and marked the
/// token as consumed for future use of the token.
/// `true` value indicates the token has previously been marked as consumed by the App Check service. In this case,
///  consider taking extra precautions, such as rejecting the request or requiring additional security checks.
external bool? get alreadyConsumed;