where method

Filter where(
  1. JSAny fieldPath,
  2. String opStr,
  3. JSAny value

Creates and returns a new Filter{@link Filter}, which can be applied to Query.where(){@link Query#where}, Filter.or(){@link Filter#or}, or Filter.and(){@link Filter#and}. When applied to a Query{@link Query} it requires that documents must contain the specified field and that its value should satisfy the relation constraint provided.

Returns a new Filter that can be used to constrain the value of a Document property.

@param {string|FieldPath} fieldPath The name of a property value to compare. @param {string} opStr A comparison operation in the form of a string (e.g., "<"). @param {*} value The value to which to compare the field for inclusion in a query. @returns {Filter} The created Filter.


let collectionRef = firestore.collection('col');

collectionRef.where(Filter.where('foo', '==', 'bar')).get().then(querySnapshot => {
  querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
    console.log(`Found document at ${documentSnapshot.ref.path}`);


external Filter where(JSAny fieldPath, String opStr, JSAny value);