findNearest method

VectorQuery findNearest(
  1. JSAny vectorField,
  2. JSObject queryVector,
  3. JSObject options

Returns a query that can perform vector distance (similarity) search with given parameters.

The returned query, when executed, performs a distance (similarity) search on the specified vectorField against the given queryVector and returns the top documents that are closest to the queryVector.

Only documents whose vectorField field is a VectorValue of the same dimension as queryVector participate in the query, all other documents are ignored.


// Returns the closest 10 documents whose Euclidean distance from their 'embedding' fields are closed to [41, 42].
const vectorQuery = col.findNearest('embedding', [41, 42], {limit: 10, distanceMeasure: 'EUCLIDEAN'});

const querySnapshot = await aggregateQuery.get();

@param vectorField The field path this vector query executes on. @param queryVector The vector value used to measure the distance from vectorField values in the documents. @param options Options control the vector query. limit specifies the upper bound of documents to return, must be a positive integer with a maximum value of 1000. distanceMeasure specifies what type of distance is calculated when performing the query.


external VectorQuery findNearest(
  JSAny vectorField,
  JSObject queryVector,
  JSObject options,