transaction method

Future<FirebaseTransaction<T>> transaction(
  1. String key, {
  2. ETagReceiver? eTagReceiver,

Starts a write transaction on the store.

Reads the current value of key from the store, including the current eTag. Returns a transaction constructed from that result. You can use that transaction to update or delete the store entry, making sure it has not been modified since it was read.

If eTagReceiver was specified, it will contain the current eTag of the updated or deleted entry after the transaction was committed. Not after this future resolves, like for other methods. To get the eTag of the read operation, use FirebaseTransaction.eTag.


Future<FirebaseTransaction<T>> transaction(
  String key, {
  ETagReceiver? eTagReceiver,
}) async {
  final response = await restApi.get(
    path: _buildPath(key),
    eTag: true,
  return StoreTransaction(
    store: this,
    key: key,
    value: != null ? dataFromJson( : null,
    eTag: response.eTag!,
    eTagReceiver: eTagReceiver,