unlink method

Future<User> unlink(
  1. String providerId

Unlinks a provider from a user account.

A FirebaseAuthException maybe thrown with the following error code:

no-such-provider: Thrown if the user does not have this provider linked or when the provider ID given does not exist.


Future<User> unlink(String providerId) async {
  try {

    final currentProviders = providerData.map((p) => p.providerId).toList();

    if (providerId.providerId == ProviderId.unknown ||
        !currentProviders.contains(providerId)) {
      throw FirebaseAuthException(AuthErrorCode.NO_SUCH_PROVIDER);

    await _auth._api.userAccount.deleteLinkedAccount(_idToken, providerId);
    await reload();

    return this;
  } catch (e) {