createUserWithEmailAndPassword method

Future<UserCredential> createUserWithEmailAndPassword({
  1. required String email,
  2. required String password,

Tries to create a new user account with the given email address and password.

A FirebaseAuthException maybe thrown with the following error code:

  • email-already-in-use:
  • Thrown if there already exists an account with the given email address.
  • invalid-email:
  • Thrown if the email address is not valid.
  • operation-not-allowed:
  • Thrown if email/password accounts are not enabled. Enable email/password accounts in the Firebase Console, under the Auth tab.
  • weak-password:
  • Thrown if the password is not strong enough.
  • too-many-requests:
  • Thrown if the user sent too many requests at the same time, for security the api will not allow too many attemps at the same time, user will have to wait for some time
  • user-token-expired:
  • Thrown if the user is no longer authenticated since his refresh token has been expired
  • network-request-failed:
  • Thrown if there was a network request error, for example the user don't don't have internet connection
  • operation-not-allowed:
  • Thrown if email/password accounts are not enabled. Enable email/password accounts in the Firebase Console, under the Auth tab.


Future<UserCredential> createUserWithEmailAndPassword({
  required String email,
  required String password,
}) async {
  return UserCredential._(
    await _delegate.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password),