RecaptchaVerifier constructor

  1. String? container,
  2. RecaptchaVerifierSize size = RecaptchaVerifierSize.normal,
  3. RecaptchaVerifierTheme theme = RecaptchaVerifierTheme.light,
  4. RecaptchaVerifierOnSuccess? onSuccess,
  5. RecaptchaVerifierOnError? onError,
  6. RecaptchaVerifierOnExpired? onExpired,

Creates a new RecaptchaVerifier instance used to render a reCAPTCHA widget when calling signInWithPhoneNumber.

It is possible to configure the reCAPTCHA widget with the following arguments, however if no arguments are provided, an "invisible" reCAPTCHA widget with defaults will be created.

container If a value is provided, the element must exist in the DOM when render or signInWithPhoneNumber is called. The reCAPTCHA widget will be rendered within the specified DOM element.

If no value is provided, an "invisible" reCAPTCHA will be shown when render is called. An invisible reCAPTCHA widget is shown a modal on-top of your application.

size When providing a custom container, a size (normal or compact) can be provided to change the size of the reCAPTCHA widget. This has no effect when a container is not provided. Defaults to RecaptchaVerifierSize.normal.

theme When providing a custom container, a theme (light or dark) can be provided to change the apperance of the reCAPTCHA widget. This has no effect when a container is not provided. Defaults to RecaptchaVerifierTheme.light.

onSuccess An optional callback which is called when the user successfully completes the reCAPTCHA widget.

onError An optional callback which is called when the reCAPTCHA widget errors (such as a network issue).

onExpired An optional callback which is called when the reCAPTCHA expires.


factory RecaptchaVerifier({
  String? container,
  RecaptchaVerifierSize size = RecaptchaVerifierSize.normal,
  RecaptchaVerifierTheme theme = RecaptchaVerifierTheme.light,
  RecaptchaVerifierOnSuccess? onSuccess,
  RecaptchaVerifierOnError? onError,
  RecaptchaVerifierOnExpired? onExpired,
}) {
  return RecaptchaVerifier._(
      container: container,
      size: size,
      theme: theme,
      onSuccess: onSuccess,
      onError: onError,
      onExpired: onExpired,