AppBannerAd.fromKey constructor

  1. required String configKey,
  2. AdSize? size,

The BannerAd with config from Firebase Remote Config configKey is key you save config on firebase size is AdSize follow Google AdSize, if not provider size, the widget will get size from remote config


factory AppBannerAd.fromKey({required String configKey, AdSize? size}) {
  try {
    final data = FirebaseRemoteConfig.instance.getString(configKey);
    final json = jsonDecode(data);
    final config = BannerConfig.fromJson(json);
    return AppBannerAd(config: config, size: size);
  } catch (e, st) {
    log('', name: 'AppBannerAd.fromKey', error: e, stackTrace: st);
    return AppBannerAd(config: BannerConfig(), size: size);