Auth class

The Firebase Auth service interface.

Constructors app)
Do not call this constructor directly. Instead, use app().auth.


app App
The app associated with the Auth service instance.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


createCustomToken(String uid, [Map<String, dynamic> developerClaims = const {}]) Future<String>
Creates a new Firebase custom token (JWT) that can be sent back to a client device to use to sign in with the client SDKs' signInWithCustomToken() methods.
createUser({bool? disabled, String? displayName, String? email, bool? emailVerified, String? password, String? phoneNumber, String? photoUrl, String? uid}) Future<UserRecord>
Creates a new user.
delete() Future<void>
deleteUser(String uid) Future<void>
Deletes an existing user.
Generates the out of band email action link for email verification flows for the email specified using the action code settings provided.
Generates the out of band email action link for password reset flows for the email specified using the action code settings provided.
Generates the out of band email action link for email link sign-in flows for the email specified using the action code settings provided.
getUser(String uid) Future<UserRecord>
Gets the user data for the user corresponding to a given uid.
getUserByEmail(String email) Future<UserRecord>
Looks up the user identified by the provided email and returns a future that is fulfilled with a user record for the given user if that user is found.
getUserByPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) Future<UserRecord>
Looks up the user identified by the provided phone number and returns a future that is fulfilled with a user record for the given user if that user is found.
listUsers([num? maxResults, String? pageToken]) Future<ListUsersResult>
Retrieves a list of users (single batch only) with a size of maxResults and starting from the offset as specified by pageToken.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
revokeRefreshTokens(String uid) Future<void>
Revokes all refresh tokens for an existing user.
setCustomUserClaims(String uid, Map<String, dynamic> customUserClaims) Future<void>
Sets additional developer claims on an existing user identified by the provided uid, typically used to define user roles and levels of access.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateUser(String uid, {bool? disabled, String? displayName, String? email, bool? emailVerified, String? password, String? phoneNumber, String? photoUrl}) Future<UserRecord>
Updates an existing user.
verifyIdToken(String idToken, [bool checkRevoked = false]) Future<IdToken>
Verifies a Firebase ID token (JWT).


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.