where method

Query<QueryJsImpl> where(
  1. dynamic fieldPath,
  2. String opStr,
  3. dynamic value

Creates a new Query that returns only documents that include the specified fields and where the values satisfy the constraints provided.

The fieldPath parameter is a String or non-null FieldPath to compare.

The opStr parameter is the operation string (e.g <, <=, ==, >, >=). For supported values see https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore#wherefilterop

The value parameter is the value for comparison.

Returns non-null created Query.


Query where(/*String|FieldPath*/ fieldPath,
        String /*'<'|'<='|'=='|'>='|'>'*/ opStr, value) =>
    Query.fromJsObject(jsObject.where(fieldPath, opStr, jsify(value)));