FileSaverText constructor

const FileSaverText({
  1. String titlePickFile = 'Pick File',
  2. String titleSaveFile = 'Save File',
  3. String titlePickFiles = 'Pick Files',
  4. String buttonSave = 'Save',
  5. String buttonDone = 'Done',
  6. String buttonClose = 'Close',
  7. String buttonFileTypes = 'File Types',
  8. String infoEmptyFolder = 'Folder is empty',
  9. String infoSelected = 'File has been selected',
  10. String infoMultipleSelected = 'Files have been selected',
  11. String messageSucces = 'File has been saved',
  12. String messageDenied = 'Storage Access Denied',
  13. String popupNo = 'NO',
  14. String popupYes = 'YES',
  15. String popupTitle = 'Confirmation',
  16. String popupInformation = 'File already exists.\nDo you want to replace it ?',
  17. List<String> months = const ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],

Customizing displayed text in entire FileSaver.


const FileSaverText({
  this.titlePickFile = 'Pick File',
  this.titleSaveFile = 'Save File',
  this.titlePickFiles = 'Pick Files',
  this.buttonSave = 'Save',
  this.buttonDone = 'Done',
  this.buttonClose = 'Close',
  this.buttonFileTypes = 'File Types',
  this.infoEmptyFolder = 'Folder is empty',
  this.infoSelected = 'File has been selected',
  this.infoMultipleSelected = 'Files have been selected',
  this.messageSucces = 'File has been saved',
  this.messageDenied = 'Storage Access Denied',
  this.popupNo = 'NO',
  this.popupYes = 'YES',
  this.popupTitle = 'Confirmation',
  this.popupInformation = 'File already exists.\nDo you want to replace it ?',
  this.months = const [
}) : assert(months.length == 12);