
This package is no longer supported because it was flagged by Google Dart developers as being published by an unknown person.
Publisher Unknown.
As a normal person, I believe that hardly anyone would want to use software from unknown publishers.

File utils is a collection of the helper classes for file system.

Includes the following helpers:


Intelligent search of files with reduced amount of operations of disk access.


The collection of the helper methods for file system.

Includes the following methods:

  • basename
  • chdir
  • dirempty
  • dirname
  • exclude
  • fullpath
  • getcwd
  • glob
  • include
  • mkdir
  • move
  • rename
  • rm
  • rmdir
  • symlink
  • testfile
  • touch
  • uptodate


The collection of the helper methods for file path.

Includes the following methods:

  • expand
  • fullname

