getSaveLocation method

  1. @override
Future<FileSaveLocation?> getSaveLocation({
  1. List<XTypeGroup>? acceptedTypeGroups,
  2. SaveDialogOptions options = const SaveDialogOptions(),

Opens a file dialog for saving files and returns a file location at which to save.

Returns null if the user cancels the operation.


Future<FileSaveLocation?> getSaveLocation({
  List<XTypeGroup>? acceptedTypeGroups,
  SaveDialogOptions options = const SaveDialogOptions(),
}) async {
  final List<Map<String, Object>> serializedTypeGroups =
  // TODO(stuartmorgan): Add the selected type group here and return it. See
  final String? path = await _channel.invokeMethod<String>(
    <String, dynamic>{
      if (serializedTypeGroups.isNotEmpty)
        _acceptedTypeGroupsKey: serializedTypeGroups,
      _initialDirectoryKey: options.initialDirectory,
      _suggestedNameKey: options.suggestedName,
      _confirmButtonTextKey: options.confirmButtonText,
  return path == null ? null : FileSaveLocation(path);