File Picker Desktop

CI Pipeline

This repository contains a Dart package that allows you to use a native file explorer on Windows, macOS, and Linux for three things:

  • picking files
  • picking directories
  • saving files


  • :tada: This package does not require Go Flutter. This package is written entirely in Dart!!! No dependencies on Go or Go Flutter.
  • :floppy_disk: Simple API for picking a single file or multiple files with support for filtering the allowed file extensions.
  • :file_folder: Simple API for picking a directory.
  • :cd: Simple API for saving a file.
  • :wrench: Different filtering options for file types included (+ customizable).
  • :tada: Customizable title of the dialog.
  • :robot: Runs on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

:warning: This package does not support Android, iOS, or the web. Please refer to Miguel Pruivo's package which offers the same functionality for Android, iOS, and the web. I tried my best to provide the same API as Miguel's package.

The following screenshots show the file picker dialog on Linux, macOS, and Windows:

Linux File Picker Linux Directory Picker Linux Save File Dialog
Select file on Linux Select directory on Linux Save file on Linux
macOS File Picker macOS Directory Picker macOS Save File Dialog
Select file on macOS Select directory on macOS Save file on macOS
Windows Windows Directory Picker Windows Save File Dialog
Select file on Windows Select directory on Windows Save file on Windows


Add package to pubspec.yaml:

  file_picker_desktop: ^1.1.0


import 'package:file_picker_desktop/file_picker_desktop.dart';

Dialog for picking a single File:

try {
  final result = await pickFiles(
    allowMultiple: false,
  if (result != null) {
    File file = File(result.files.single.path);
  } else {
    // User canceled the picker
} catch (e) {

Dialog for picking multiple files:

try {
  final result = await pickFiles(
    allowMultiple: true,
  if (result != null) {
    List<File> files = result.paths
        .where((path) => path != null)
        .map((path) => File(path!))
  } else {
    // User canceled the picker
} catch (e) {

Dialog for picking multiple files with extension filter:

final result = await pickFiles(
  allowMultiple: true,
  type: FileType.custom,
  allowedExtensions: ['jpg', 'pdf', 'doc'],

Load the results and file details:

FilePickerResult? result = await pickFiles();

if (result != null) {
  PlatformFile file = result.files.first;

} else {
  // User canceled the picker

Dialog for picking a directory:

try {
  final selectedDirectory = await getDirectoryPath();
  if (selectedDirectory != null) {
    File directory = File(selectedDirectory);
  } else {
    // User canceled the picker
} catch (e) {

Dialog for saving a file:

try {
  final String? selectedFileName = await saveFile(
    defaultFileName: 'default-file.txt',

  if (selectedFileName != null) {
  	File file = File(selectedFileName);
  } else {
    // User canceled the picker
} catch (e) {

Example Flutter App

Demo Flutter App

The directory ./example/ contains an example Flutter app which showcases the file picker's functionality. You can run this example app the following way:

cd ./example/

flutter create .

# Choose the appropriate option depending on your OS
flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop

flutter run