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This plugin allows Flutter apps to handle dropped files on app icon and 'open -a app file'.


Get the filepath of a file that is given as a parameter to a call like this in the terminal:

open -a your-app file-to-open.txt

Get the filepath of a file, that is dropped on your app icon in the dock or in the finder.

Platform Support

Android iOS Linux macOS Windows



Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  file_open_handler: ^0.0.1

Add this to macos/Runner/Info.plist. For each file type your app shall be able to open you need a dict. The example app is prepared to open the extensions txt and md.

			<string>Plain Text</string>
			<string>Medium Mate</string>

Add the application:openFile method to macos/Runner/AppDelegate.swift

import Cocoa
import FlutterMacOS
import file_open_handler

class AppDelegate: FlutterAppDelegate {
  override func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool {
    return true

       override func application(_ sender: NSApplication, openFile filename: String) -> Bool {
         FileOpenHandlerPlugin.instance.handleFileOpen(pathname: filename);
         // Return true if your app opened the file successfully, false otherwise
         return true


In your app get the filepath the Flutter app was opened with like this:

import 'package:protocol_handler/file_open_handler.dart';

    try {
      openedFile = await _fileOpenHandlerPlugin.getOpenedFile();
    } on PlatformException {
      openedFile = 'Failed to get opened file.';

If you want a callback when a file is dropped onto the app icon use this code snippet:

    _fileOpenHandlerPlugin.setOnFileDroppedCallback((String? filepath) {
      setState(() {
        _droppedFile = filepath ?? 'Unknown';

See example for a minimal macOS app using this plugin.

Unit Tests

  • ✓ file_open_handler_method_channel - openedWithFile
  • ✓ file_open_handler - MethodChannelFileOpenHandler is the default instance
  • ✓ file_open_handler - openedWithFile
  • ✓ file_open_handler - setOnFileDroppedCallback

The implementation is inspired by the protocol_handler plugin by