currentDirectory property
Creates a directory object pointing to the current working directory.
NOTE This does not proxy to the underlying file system's current directory in any way; the state of this file system's current directory is local to this file system.
Directory get currentDirectory => directory(_cwd);
Sets the current working directory to the specified path
NOTE This does not proxy to the underlying file system's current directory in any way; the state of this file system's current directory is local to this file system. Gets the path context for this file system given the current working dir.
set currentDirectory(dynamic path) {
String value;
if (path is io.Directory) {
value = path.path;
} else if (path is String) {
value = path;
} else {
throw ArgumentError('Invalid type for "path": ${path?.runtimeType}');
value = _resolve(value, notFound: _NotFoundBehavior.throwError);
String realPath = _real(value, resolve: false);
switch (delegate.typeSync(realPath, followLinks: false)) {
case FileSystemEntityType.notFound:
throw common.noSuchFileOrDirectory(path as String);
throw common.notADirectory(path as String);
assert(() {
p.Context ctx = delegate.path;
return ctx.isAbsolute(value) && value == ctx.canonicalize(value);
_cwd = value;