copyWith method

FijkValue copyWith({
  1. bool? prepared,
  2. bool? completed,
  3. bool? videoRenderStart,
  4. bool? audioRenderStart,
  5. FijkState? state,
  6. Size? size,
  7. int? rotate,
  8. Duration? duration,
  9. bool? fullScreen,
  10. FijkException? exception,

Return new FijkValue which combines the old value and the assigned new value


FijkValue copyWith({
  bool? prepared,
  bool? completed,
  bool? videoRenderStart,
  bool? audioRenderStart,
  FijkState? state,
  Size? size,
  int? rotate,
  Duration? duration,
  bool? fullScreen,
  FijkException? exception,
}) {
  return FijkValue(
    prepared: prepared ?? this.prepared,
    completed: completed ?? this.completed,
    videoRenderStart: videoRenderStart ?? this.videoRenderStart,
    audioRenderStart: audioRenderStart ?? this.audioRenderStart,
    state: state ?? this.state,
    size: size ?? this.size,
    rotate: rotate ?? this.rotate,
    duration: duration ?? this.duration,
    fullScreen: fullScreen ?? this.fullScreen,
    exception: exception ?? this.exception,