Text class

A text node, represented as a Vector and modified by a TypeStyle.

Available Extensions
  • @JsonSerializable()
  • @CopyWith()


Text({required String id, required bool visible, required bool locked, required List<ExportSetting> exportSettings, required bool preserveRatio, required double layoutGrow, required double opacity, required bool isMask, required List<Paint> fills, required List<Path> fillGeometry, required List<Paint> strokes, required StrokeCap strokeCap, required StrokeJoin strokeJoin, required List<double> strokeDashes, required double strokeMiterAngle, Map<String, String>? componentPropertyReferences, String? name, double? rotation, dynamic pluginData, dynamic sharedPluginData, BlendMode? blendMode, LayoutAlign? layoutAlign, LayoutConstraint? constraints, String? transitionNodeID, double? transitionDuration, EasingType? transitionEasing, SizeRectangle? absoluteBoundingBox, List<Effect>? effects, Vector2D? size, List<List<double>>? relativeTransform, double? strokeWeight, List? strokeGeometry, StrokeAlign? strokeAlign, Map<StyleTypeKey, String>? styles, SizeRectangle? absoluteRenderBounds, Map<int, PaintOverride?>? fillOverrideTable, StrokeWeights? individualStrokeWeights, String? characters, TypeStyle? style, List<int>? characterStyleOverrides, Map<int, TypeStyle>? styleOverrideTable, List<LineType>? lineTypes, List<int>? lineIndentations})
Text.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


absoluteBoundingBox → SizeRectangle?
Bounding box of the node in absolute space coordinates.
absoluteRenderBounds → SizeRectangle?
The bounds of the rendered node in the file in absolute space coordinates.
blendMode → BlendMode?
How this node blends with nodes behind it in the scene (see BlendMode).
characters String?
Text contained within a text box. Newline characters are preserved and map to a new line in the UI when rendered.
characterStyleOverrides List<int>?
Array with same number of elements as characeters in text box, each element is a reference to the styleOverrideTable defined below and maps to the corresponding character in the characters field. Elements with value 0 have the default type style.
componentPropertyReferences Map<String, String>?
A mapping of a layer's property to component property name of component properties attached to this node. The component property name can be used to look up more information on the corresponding component's or component set's componentPropertyDefinitions.
constraints → LayoutConstraint?
Horizontal and vertical layout constraints for node.
effects List<Effect>?
An array of effects attached to this node (see Effect).
exportSettings List<ExportSetting>
An array of export settings representing images to export from node.
fillGeometry List<Path>
Only specified if parameter geometry=paths is used. An array of paths representing the object fill.
fillOverrideTable Map<int, PaintOverride?>?
Map from ID to PaintOverride for looking up fill overrides. To see which regions are overriden, you must use the geometry=paths option. Each path returned may have an overrideId which maps to this table.
fills List<Paint>
An array of fill paints applied to the node.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String
A string uniquely identifying this node within the document.
individualStrokeWeights → StrokeWeights?
The weight of strokes on the node per side, if they vary.
isMask bool
Does this node mask sibling nodes in front of it?
layoutAlign → LayoutAlign?
How the layer is aligned inside an auto-layout frame. This property is only provided for direct children of auto-layout frames.
layoutGrow double
This property is applicable only for direct children of auto-layout frames, ignored otherwise. Determines whether a layer should stretch along the parent’s primary axis. A 0 corresponds to a fixed size and 1 corresponds to stretch.
lineIndentations List<int>?
An array with the same number of elements as lines in the text node, where lines are delimited by newline or paragraph separator characters. Each element in the array corresponds to the indentation level of a specific line.
lineTypes List<LineType>?
An array with the same number of elements as lines in the text node, where lines are delimited by newline or paragraph separator characters. Each element in the array corresponds to the list type of a specific line.
locked bool
If true, layer is locked and cannot be edited.
name String?
The name given to the node by the user in the tool.
opacity double
Opacity of the node.
pluginData → dynamic
Data written by plugins that is visible only to the plugin that wrote it. Requires the pluginData to include the ID of the plugin.
preserveRatio bool
Keep height and width constrained to same ratio.
props List<Object?>
The list of properties that will be used to determine whether two instances are equal.
no setter
relativeTransform List<List<double>>?
The top two rows of a matrix that represents the 2D transform of this node relative to its parent. The bottom row of the matrix is implicitly always (0, 0, 1). Use to transform coordinates in geometry. Only present if geometry=paths is passed.
rotation double?
The rotation of the node, if not 0.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sharedPluginData → dynamic
Data written by plugins that is visible to all plugins. Requires the pluginData parameter to include the string "shared".
size → Vector2D?
Width and height of element. This is different from the width and height of the bounding box in that the absolute bounding box represents the element after scaling and rotation. Only present if geometry=paths is passed.
stringify bool?
If set to true, the toString method will be overridden to output this instance's props.
no setterinherited
strokeAlign → StrokeAlign?
Position of stroke relative to vector outline.
strokeCap → StrokeCap
A string enum with value of StrokeCap.none, StrokeCap.round, StrokeCap.square, StrokeCap.lineArrow or StrokeCap.triangleArrow, describing the end caps of vector paths.
strokeDashes List<double>
An array of floating point numbers describing the pattern of dash length and gap lengths that the vector path follows. For example a value of [1, 2] indicates that the path has a dash of length 1 followed by a gap of length 2, repeated.
strokeGeometry List?
Only specified if parameter geometry=paths is used. An array of paths representing the object stroke.
strokeJoin → StrokeJoin
A string enum with value of StrokeJoin.miter, StrokeJoin.bevel, or StrokeCap.round, describing how corners in vector paths are rendered.
strokeMiterAngle double
Only valid if strokeJoin is StrokeJoin.miter. The corner angle, in degrees, below which strokeJoin will be set to StrokeJoin.bevel to avoid super sharp corners. By default this is 28.96 degrees.
strokes List<Paint>
An array of stroke paints applied to the node.
strokeWeight double?
The weight of strokes on the node.
style TypeStyle?
Style of text including font family and weight (see TypeStyle).
styleOverrideTable Map<int, TypeStyle>?
Map from ID to TypeStyle for looking up style overrides.
styles Map<StyleTypeKey, String>?
A mapping of a StyleType to style ID (see Style) of styles present on this node. The style ID can be used to look up more information about the style in the top-level styles field.
transitionDuration double?
The duration of the prototyping transition on this node (in milliseconds).
transitionEasing → EasingType?
The easing curve used in the prototyping transition on this node.
transitionNodeID String?
Node ID of node to transition to in prototyping.
type String?
The type of the node. This is usually the same as the Node subtype classes (e.g. Frame, Component etc.), but can be different in the case of foreign nodes.
visible bool
Whether or not the node is visible on the canvas.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.