A replica of Figma's auto layout feature that makes converting Figma designs to code faster and less error prone.

Figma autolayout Source: figma.com

:sparkles: Features

  • x Vertical and horizontal layout directions
  • x Alignment
  • x Positive and negative spacing
  • x Padding with independent control
  • x Spacing mode (packed, space between)
  • x Canvas stacking (first on top, last on top)
  • x Text baseline alignment (on, off)
  • x Absolute positioned children
  • x Clip content (on, off) ONLY works for absolute positioned children
  • x Fill, hug and fixed sizing modes

:x: Missing Features

:rocket: Getting started

Install it:

flutter pub add figma_auto_layout

Import it:

import 'package:figma_auto_layout/figma_auto_layout.dart';

:joystick: Usage

Figma's "Auto layout" features:

Figma autolayout

    direction: Axis.vertical,
    alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topStart,
    spacing: 10.0, // Can also be a negative value.
    padding: EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
    // Use `EdgeInsets.symmetric` to control the horizontal and vertical padding seperately.
    // Use `EdgeInsets.fromLTRB` to control the padding on each side individually.

Figma's "Advanced layout" features:

Figma advanced layout

    spacingMode: FigmaSpacingMode.packed,
    canvasStacking: StackingOrder.lastOnTop,
    textBaselineAlignment: false,

Figma's auto layout frame features:

Figma advanced layout frame

    width: 50, // This will override `widthMode`.
    height: null,
    widthMode: FigmaSizingMode.fill,
    heightMode: FigmaSizingMode.hug,
    clipContent: false, // This currently only works for absolute positioned children.
    // See https://github.com/JakesMD/flutter_figma_auto_layout/issues/2#issue-1484381678

Figma's auto layout child features:

Figma auto layout child

You need to wrap your child with a FigmaAutoLayoutChild because children can only take FigmaAutoLayoutChildren and FigmaAutoLayouts.

    children: [
            width: 50, // This will override `widthMode`.
            height: null,
            widthMode: FigmaSizingMode.fill,
            heightMode: FigmaSizingMode.hug,
            child: Container(),

Figma's auto layout absolute positioned child features:

    children: [
            width: 50,
            height: null, // This will match the childs height.
            top: 10,
            end: 10,
            showOnTop: true, // If false this child will be displayed underneath the normal children.
            child: Container(),

Additional features:

    textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
    textBaseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic,

:information_source: Additional information

Please feel free to contribute!

