themesAsSection function

List themesAsSection(
  1. List themesContents

Accepts the contents of a $themes JSON that was probably loaded from a file Returns the $themes changed so that it works in a single JSON structure


List<dynamic> themesAsSection(List<dynamic> themesContents) {
  // should copy by attribute to decouple
  List<dynamic> massagedThemeInfo = themesContents;
  // loop across each theme.  we have to remove pathing
  for (dynamic oneTheme in (themesContents)) {
    // create a new map so we don't have concurrent modificatin
    Map<String, dynamic> massagedSelectedTokenSets = {};
    // loop across each token set in this theme
    for (var oneSet
        in (oneTheme['selectedTokenSets'] as Map<String, dynamic>).entries) {
      massagedSelectedTokenSets[basename(oneSet.key)] = oneSet.value;
    oneTheme['selectedTokenSets'] = massagedSelectedTokenSets;
    //_print('massaged tokens in selectedTokenSets: $massagedSelectedTokenSets');
  return massagedThemeInfo;