maybeParse static method
static LinearGradientValue? maybeParse(dynamic value) {
if (value == null || value is! String) return null;
if (!value.startsWith('linear-gradient')) return null;
final stripped =
value.substring('linear-gradient('.length, value.length - 1).trim();
// Convert rgba colors to hex so we can better parse the string
final hexColors = _convertRgbColorsToHex(stripped);
final firstComma = hexColors.indexOf(',');
final angle =
double.tryParse(hexColors.substring(0, hexColors.indexOf('deg')));
final stops = hexColors.substring(firstComma + 1).trim().split(',');
final colors = <ColorValue>[];
final stopsList = <DimensionValue>[];
for (var element in stops) {
final splitted = element.trim().split(' ');
final color = ColorValue.maybeParse(splitted[0].trim())!;
final stop = DimensionValue.maybeParse(splitted[1].trim())!;
return LinearGradientValue._(colors, stopsList, angle ?? 0);