IconsaxBold class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


activity → const IconData
add → const IconData
add_circle → const IconData
add_square → const IconData
additem → const IconData
airdrop → const IconData
airplane → const IconData
airplane_square → const IconData
airpod → const IconData
airpods → const IconData
alarm → const IconData
align_bottom → const IconData
align_horizontally → const IconData
align_left → const IconData
align_right → const IconData
align_vertically → const IconData
aquarius → const IconData
archive → const IconData
archive_1 → const IconData
archive_2 → const IconData
archive_add → const IconData
archive_book → const IconData
archive_minus → const IconData
archive_slash → const IconData
archive_tick → const IconData
arrange_circle → const IconData
arrange_circle_2 → const IconData
arrange_square → const IconData
arrange_square_2 → const IconData
arrow → const IconData
arrow_2 → const IconData
arrow_3 → const IconData
arrow_bottom → const IconData
arrow_circle_down → const IconData
arrow_circle_left → const IconData
arrow_circle_right → const IconData
arrow_circle_up → const IconData
arrow_down → const IconData
arrow_down_1 → const IconData
arrow_down_2 → const IconData
arrow_left → const IconData
arrow_left_1 → const IconData
arrow_left_2 → const IconData
arrow_left_3 → const IconData
arrow_right → const IconData
arrow_right_1 → const IconData
arrow_right_2 → const IconData
arrow_right_3 → const IconData
arrow_square → const IconData
arrow_square_down → const IconData
arrow_square_left → const IconData
arrow_square_right → const IconData
arrow_square_up → const IconData
arrow_swap → const IconData
arrow_swap_horizontal → const IconData
arrow_up → const IconData
arrow_up_1 → const IconData
arrow_up_2 → const IconData
arrow_up_3 → const IconData
attach_circle → const IconData
attach_square → const IconData
audio_square → const IconData
autobrightness → const IconData
award → const IconData
back_square → const IconData
backward → const IconData
backward_5_seconds → const IconData
backward_10_seconds → const IconData
backward_15_seconds → const IconData
backward_item → const IconData
bag → const IconData
bag_2 → const IconData
bag_cross → const IconData
bag_cross_1 → const IconData
bag_happy → const IconData
bag_tick → const IconData
bag_tick_2 → const IconData
bag_timer → const IconData
barcode → const IconData
battery_3full → const IconData
battery_charging → const IconData
battery_disable → const IconData
battery_empty → const IconData
battery_empty_1 → const IconData
battery_full → const IconData
bezier → const IconData
bill → const IconData
bitcoin_card → const IconData
bitcoin_convert → const IconData
bitcoin_refresh → const IconData
blend → const IconData
blend_2 → const IconData
bluetooth → const IconData
bluetooth_2 → const IconData
bluetooth_circle → const IconData
bluetooth_rectangle → const IconData
blur → const IconData
book → const IconData
book_1 → const IconData
book_saved → const IconData
book_square → const IconData
bookmark → const IconData
bookmark_2 → const IconData
box → const IconData
box_1 → const IconData
box_2 → const IconData
box_add → const IconData
box_remove → const IconData
box_tick → const IconData
box_time → const IconData
briefcase → const IconData
brifecase_cross → const IconData
brifecase_tick → const IconData
brifecase_timer → const IconData
broom → const IconData
brush → const IconData
brush_1 → const IconData
brush_2 → const IconData
brush_3 → const IconData
brush_4 → const IconData
bubble → const IconData
bucket → const IconData
bucket_circle → const IconData
bucket_square → const IconData
building → const IconData
building_3 → const IconData
building_4 → const IconData
buildings → const IconData
buildings_2 → const IconData
buliding → const IconData
bus → const IconData
buy_crypto → const IconData
cake → const IconData
calculator → const IconData
calendar → const IconData
calendar_1 → const IconData
calendar_2 → const IconData
calendar_add → const IconData
calendar_circle → const IconData
calendar_edit → const IconData
calendar_remove → const IconData
calendar_tick → const IconData
call → const IconData
call_add → const IconData
call_calling → const IconData
call_incoming → const IconData
call_minus → const IconData
call_outgoing → const IconData
call_received → const IconData
call_remove → const IconData
call_slash → const IconData
camera → const IconData
camera_slash → const IconData
candle → const IconData
candle_2 → const IconData
car → const IconData
card → const IconData
card_add → const IconData
card_edit → const IconData
card_pos → const IconData
card_receive → const IconData
card_remove → const IconData
card_remove_1 → const IconData
card_send → const IconData
card_slash → const IconData
card_tick → const IconData
card_tick_1 → const IconData
cards → const IconData
category → const IconData
category_2 → const IconData
cd → const IconData
chart → const IconData
chart_1 → const IconData
chart_2 → const IconData
chart_3 → const IconData
chart_21 → const IconData
chart_fail → const IconData
chart_square → const IconData
chart_success → const IconData
check → const IconData
chrome → const IconData
clipboard → const IconData
clipboard_close → const IconData
clipboard_export → const IconData
clipboard_import → const IconData
clipboard_text → const IconData
clipboard_tick → const IconData
clock → const IconData
clock_1 → const IconData
close_circle → const IconData
close_square → const IconData
cloud → const IconData
cloud_add → const IconData
cloud_change → const IconData
cloud_connection → const IconData
cloud_cross → const IconData
cloud_drizzle → const IconData
cloud_fog → const IconData
cloud_lightning → const IconData
cloud_minus → const IconData
cloud_notif → const IconData
cloud_plus → const IconData
cloud_remove → const IconData
cloud_snow → const IconData
cloud_sunny → const IconData
code → const IconData
code_1 → const IconData
code_circle → const IconData
coffee → const IconData
coin → const IconData
coin_1 → const IconData
color_swatch → const IconData
colorfilter → const IconData
colors_square → const IconData
command → const IconData
command_square → const IconData
component → const IconData
computing → const IconData
convert → const IconData
convert_3d_cube → const IconData
convertshape → const IconData
convertshape_2 → const IconData
copy → const IconData
copy_success → const IconData
courthouse → const IconData
cpu → const IconData
cpu_charge → const IconData
cpu_setting → const IconData
creative_commons → const IconData
crop → const IconData
crown → const IconData
crown_1 → const IconData
cup → const IconData
d_cube_scan → const IconData
d_rotate → const IconData
d_square → const IconData
danger → const IconData
data → const IconData
data_2 → const IconData
dcube → const IconData
designtools → const IconData
device_message → const IconData
devices → const IconData
devices_1 → const IconData
diagram → const IconData
diamonds → const IconData
direct → const IconData
direct_down → const IconData
direct_inbox → const IconData
direct_left → const IconData
direct_normal → const IconData
direct_notification → const IconData
direct_right → const IconData
direct_send → const IconData
direct_up → const IconData
directbox_default → const IconData
directbox_notif → const IconData
directbox_receive → const IconData
directbox_send → const IconData
discount_circle → const IconData
discount_shape → const IconData
discover → const IconData
discover_1 → const IconData
dislike → const IconData
document → const IconData
document_1 → const IconData
document_cloud → const IconData
document_code → const IconData
document_code_2 → const IconData
document_copy → const IconData
document_download → const IconData
document_favorite → const IconData
document_filter → const IconData
document_forward → const IconData
document_like → const IconData
document_normal → const IconData
document_previous → const IconData
document_sketch → const IconData
document_text → const IconData
document_text_1 → const IconData
document_upload → const IconData
dollar_circle → const IconData
dollar_square → const IconData
driver → const IconData
driver_2 → const IconData
driver_refresh → const IconData
driving → const IconData
drop → const IconData
edit → const IconData
edit_2 → const IconData
electricity → const IconData
element_2 → const IconData
element_3 → const IconData
element_4 → const IconData
element_equal → const IconData
element_plus → const IconData
emoji_happy → const IconData
emoji_normal → const IconData
emoji_sad → const IconData
empty_wallet → const IconData
empty_wallet_add → const IconData
empty_wallet_change → const IconData
empty_wallet_remove → const IconData
empty_wallet_tick → const IconData
empty_wallet_time → const IconData
eraser → const IconData
eraser_1 → const IconData
export → const IconData
export_1 → const IconData
export_2 → const IconData
export_3 → const IconData
external_drive → const IconData
eye → const IconData
eye_slash → const IconData
fatrows → const IconData
favorite_chart → const IconData
filter → const IconData
filter_add → const IconData
filter_edit → const IconData
filter_remove → const IconData
filter_square → const IconData
filter_tick → const IconData
finger_cricle → const IconData
finger_scan → const IconData
firstline → const IconData
flag → const IconData
flag_2 → const IconData
flash → const IconData
flash_1 → const IconData
flash_circle → const IconData
flash_circle_1 → const IconData
flash_slash → const IconData
folder → const IconData
folder_2 → const IconData
folder_add → const IconData
folder_cloud → const IconData
folder_connection → const IconData
folder_cross → const IconData
folder_favorite → const IconData
folder_minus → const IconData
folder_open → const IconData
forbidden → const IconData
forbidden_2 → const IconData
format_circle → const IconData
format_square → const IconData
forward → const IconData
forward_5_seconds → const IconData
forward_10_seconds → const IconData
forward_15_seconds → const IconData
forward_item → const IconData
forward_square → const IconData
frame → const IconData
frame_1 → const IconData
frame_2 → const IconData
frame_3 → const IconData
frame_4 → const IconData
game → const IconData
gameboy → const IconData
gas_station → const IconData
gemini → const IconData
gemini_2 → const IconData
ghost → const IconData
gift → const IconData
glass → const IconData
glass_1 → const IconData
global → const IconData
global_edit → const IconData
global_refresh → const IconData
gps → const IconData
gps_slash → const IconData
grammerly → const IconData
graph → const IconData
grid_1 → const IconData
grid_2 → const IconData
grid_3 → const IconData
grid_4 → const IconData
grid_5 → const IconData
grid_6 → const IconData
grid_7 → const IconData
grid_8 → const IconData
grid_9 → const IconData
grid_edit → const IconData
grid_eraser → const IconData
grid_lock → const IconData
happyemoji → const IconData
hashtag → const IconData
hashtag_1 → const IconData
hashtag_down → const IconData
hashtag_up → const IconData
headphone → const IconData
headphones → const IconData
health → const IconData
heart → const IconData
heart_add → const IconData
heart_circle → const IconData
heart_edit → const IconData
heart_remove → const IconData
heart_slash → const IconData
heart_tick → const IconData
hierarchy → const IconData
hierarchy_2 → const IconData
hierarchy_3 → const IconData
hierarchy_square → const IconData
hierarchy_square_2 → const IconData
hierarchy_square_3 → const IconData
home → const IconData
home_1 → const IconData
home_2 → const IconData
home_hashtag → const IconData
home_trend_down → const IconData
home_trend_up → const IconData
home_wifi → const IconData
hospital → const IconData
house → const IconData
house_2 → const IconData
image → const IconData
import → const IconData
import_1 → const IconData
import_2 → const IconData
import_3 → const IconData
info_circle → const IconData
information → const IconData
instagram → const IconData
judge → const IconData
kanban → const IconData
key → const IconData
key_square → const IconData
keyboard → const IconData
keyboard_open → const IconData
lamp → const IconData
lamp_1 → const IconData
lamp_charge → const IconData
lamp_on → const IconData
lamp_slash → const IconData
language_circle → const IconData
language_square → const IconData
layer → const IconData
level → const IconData
lifebuoy → const IconData
like → const IconData
like_1 → const IconData
like_dislike → const IconData
like_shapes → const IconData
like_tag → const IconData
location → const IconData
location_add → const IconData
location_cross → const IconData
location_minus → const IconData
location_slash → const IconData
location_tick → const IconData
lock → const IconData
lock_1 → const IconData
lock_circle → const IconData
lock_slash → const IconData
login → const IconData
login_1 → const IconData
logout → const IconData
logout_1 → const IconData
lovely → const IconData
magic_star → const IconData
magicpen → const IconData
main_component → const IconData
man → const IconData
map → const IconData
map_1 → const IconData
mask → const IconData
mask_1 → const IconData
mask_2 → const IconData
math → const IconData
maximize → const IconData
maximize_1 → const IconData
maximize_2 → const IconData
maximize_3 → const IconData
maximize_4 → const IconData
maximize_21 → const IconData
maximize_circle → const IconData
medal → const IconData
medal_star → const IconData
message → const IconData
message_2 → const IconData
message_add → const IconData
message_add_1 → const IconData
message_circle → const IconData
message_edit → const IconData
message_favorite → const IconData
message_minus → const IconData
message_notif → const IconData
message_programming → const IconData
message_question → const IconData
message_remove → const IconData
message_square → const IconData
message_text → const IconData
message_text_1 → const IconData
message_tick → const IconData
message_time → const IconData
messages → const IconData
messages_1 → const IconData
messages_2 → const IconData
messages_3 → const IconData
microphone → const IconData
microphone_2 → const IconData
microphone_slash → const IconData
microphone_slash_1 → const IconData
microscope → const IconData
milk → const IconData
mini_music_sqaure → const IconData
minus → const IconData
minus_cirlce → const IconData
minus_square → const IconData
mirror → const IconData
mirroring_screen → const IconData
mobile → const IconData
mobile_programming → const IconData
money → const IconData
money_2 → const IconData
money_3 → const IconData
money_4 → const IconData
money_add → const IconData
money_change → const IconData
money_forbidden → const IconData
money_recive → const IconData
money_remove → const IconData
money_send → const IconData
money_tick → const IconData
money_time → const IconData
moneys → const IconData
monitor → const IconData
monitor_mobbile → const IconData
monitor_recorder → const IconData
moon → const IconData
more → const IconData
more_2 → const IconData
more_circle → const IconData
more_square → const IconData
mouse → const IconData
mouse_1 → const IconData
mouse_circle → const IconData
mouse_square → const IconData
music → const IconData
music_circle → const IconData
music_dashboard → const IconData
music_filter → const IconData
music_library_2 → const IconData
music_play → const IconData
music_playlist → const IconData
music_square → const IconData
music_square_add → const IconData
music_square_remove → const IconData
musicnote → const IconData
next → const IconData
note → const IconData
note_1 → const IconData
note_2 → const IconData
note_21 → const IconData
note_add → const IconData
note_favorite → const IconData
note_remove → const IconData
note_square → const IconData
note_text → const IconData
notification → const IconData
notification_1 → const IconData
notification_bing → const IconData
notification_favorite → const IconData
notification_status → const IconData
omega_circle → const IconData
omega_square → const IconData
paintbucket → const IconData
paperclip → const IconData
paperclip_2 → const IconData
password_check → const IconData
path → const IconData
path_2 → const IconData
path_square → const IconData
pause → const IconData
pause_circle → const IconData
pen_add → const IconData
pen_close → const IconData
pen_remove → const IconData
pen_tool → const IconData
pen_tool_2 → const IconData
people → const IconData
percentage_circle → const IconData
percentage_square → const IconData
personalcard → const IconData
pet → const IconData
pharagraphspacing → const IconData
picture_frame → const IconData
play → const IconData
play_add → const IconData
play_circle → const IconData
play_cricle → const IconData
play_remove → const IconData
presention_chart → const IconData
previous → const IconData
printer → const IconData
printer_slash → const IconData
profile_2user → const IconData
profile_add → const IconData
profile_circle → const IconData
profile_delete → const IconData
profile_remove → const IconData
profile_tick → const IconData
programming_arrow → const IconData
programming_arrows → const IconData
quote_down → const IconData
quote_down_circle → const IconData
quote_down_square → const IconData
quote_up → const IconData
quote_up_circle → const IconData
quote_up_square → const IconData
radar → const IconData
radar_1 → const IconData
radar_2 → const IconData
radio → const IconData
ram → const IconData
ram_2 → const IconData
ranking → const IconData
ranking_1 → const IconData
receipt → const IconData
receipt_1 → const IconData
receipt_2 → const IconData
receipt_2_1 → const IconData
receipt_add → const IconData
receipt_discount → const IconData
receipt_disscount → const IconData
receipt_edit → const IconData
receipt_item → const IconData
receipt_minus → const IconData
receipt_square → const IconData
receipt_text → const IconData
receive_square → const IconData
receive_square_2 → const IconData
received → const IconData
record → const IconData
record_circle → const IconData
recovery_convert → const IconData
redo → const IconData
refresh → const IconData
refresh_2 → const IconData
refresh_circle → const IconData
refresh_left_square → const IconData
refresh_right_square → const IconData
refresh_square_2 → const IconData
repeat → const IconData
repeat_circle → const IconData
repeate_music → const IconData
repeate_one → const IconData
reserve → const IconData
rotate_left → const IconData
rotate_left_1 → const IconData
rotate_right → const IconData
rotate_right_1 → const IconData
route_square → const IconData
routing → const IconData
routing_2 → const IconData
row_horizontal → const IconData
row_vertical → const IconData
ruler → const IconData
rulerpen → const IconData
safe_home → const IconData
sagittarius → const IconData
save_2 → const IconData
save_add → const IconData
save_minus → const IconData
save_remove → const IconData
scan → const IconData
scan_barcode → const IconData
scanner → const IconData
scanning → const IconData
scissor → const IconData
scissor_1 → const IconData
screenmirroring → const IconData
scroll → const IconData
search_favorite → const IconData
search_favorite_1 → const IconData
search_normal → const IconData
search_normal_1 → const IconData
search_status → const IconData
search_status_1 → const IconData
search_zoom_in → const IconData
search_zoom_in_1 → const IconData
search_zoom_out → const IconData
search_zoom_out_1 → const IconData
security → const IconData
security_card → const IconData
security_safe → const IconData
security_time → const IconData
security_user → const IconData
send → const IconData
send_1 → const IconData
send_2 → const IconData
send_sqaure_2 → const IconData
send_square → const IconData
setting → const IconData
setting_2 → const IconData
setting_3 → const IconData
setting_4 → const IconData
setting_5 → const IconData
settings → const IconData
shapes → const IconData
shapes_1 → const IconData
share → const IconData
shield_cross → const IconData
shield_security → const IconData
shield_slash → const IconData
shield_tick → const IconData
ship → const IconData
shop → const IconData
shop_add → const IconData
shop_remove → const IconData
shopping_bag → const IconData
shopping_cart → const IconData
shuffle → const IconData
signpost → const IconData
simcard → const IconData
simcard_1 → const IconData
simcard_2 → const IconData
size → const IconData
slash → const IconData
slider → const IconData
slider_horizontal → const IconData
slider_horizontal_1 → const IconData
slider_vertical → const IconData
slider_vertical_1 → const IconData
smallcaps → const IconData
smart_car → const IconData
smart_home → const IconData
smileys → const IconData
sms → const IconData
sms_edit → const IconData
sms_notification → const IconData
sms_star → const IconData
sms_tracking → const IconData
sort → const IconData
sound → const IconData
speaker → const IconData
speedometer → const IconData
square → const IconData
star → const IconData
star_1 → const IconData
star_slash → const IconData
status → const IconData
status_up → const IconData
sticker → const IconData
stickynote → const IconData
stop → const IconData
stop_circle → const IconData
story → const IconData
strongbox → const IconData
strongbox_2 → const IconData
subtitle → const IconData
sun → const IconData
sun_1 → const IconData
sun_fog → const IconData
support → const IconData
tag → const IconData
tag_2 → const IconData
tag_cross → const IconData
tag_right → const IconData
tag_user → const IconData
task → const IconData
task_square → const IconData
teacher → const IconData
text → const IconData
text_block → const IconData
text_bold → const IconData
text_italic → const IconData
text_underline → const IconData
textalign_center → const IconData
textalign_justifycenter → const IconData
textalign_justifyleft → const IconData
textalign_justifyright → const IconData
textalign_left → const IconData
textalign_right → const IconData
tick_circle → const IconData
tick_square → const IconData
ticket → const IconData
ticket_2 → const IconData
ticket_discount → const IconData
ticket_expired → const IconData
ticket_star → const IconData
timer → const IconData
timer_1 → const IconData
timer_pause → const IconData
timer_start → const IconData
toggle_off → const IconData
toggle_off_circle → const IconData
toggle_on → const IconData
toggle_on_circle → const IconData
trade → const IconData
transaction_minus → const IconData
translate → const IconData
trash → const IconData
tree → const IconData
trend_down → const IconData
trend_up → const IconData
triangle → const IconData
truck → const IconData
truck_fast → const IconData
truck_remove → const IconData
truck_tick → const IconData
truck_time → const IconData
trush_square → const IconData
undo → const IconData
unlimited → const IconData
unlock → const IconData
user → const IconData
user_add → const IconData
user_cirlce_add → const IconData
user_edit → const IconData
user_minus → const IconData
user_octagon → const IconData
user_remove → const IconData
user_square → const IconData
user_tag → const IconData
user_tick → const IconData
verify → const IconData
video → const IconData
video_add → const IconData
video_circle → const IconData
video_horizontal → const IconData
video_octagon → const IconData
video_play → const IconData
video_remove → const IconData
video_slash → const IconData
video_square → const IconData
video_tick → const IconData
video_time → const IconData
video_vertical → const IconData
voice_cricle → const IconData
voice_square → const IconData
volume_cross → const IconData
volume_high → const IconData
volume_low → const IconData
volume_low_1 → const IconData
volume_mute → const IconData
volume_slash → const IconData
volume_up → const IconData
wallet → const IconData
wallet_1 → const IconData
wallet_2 → const IconData
wallet_3 → const IconData
wallet_add → const IconData
wallet_add_1 → const IconData
wallet_check → const IconData
wallet_minus → const IconData
wallet_money → const IconData
wallet_remove → const IconData
warning_2 → const IconData
watch → const IconData
watch_status → const IconData
weight → const IconData
weight_1 → const IconData
wifi → const IconData
wifi_square → const IconData
wind → const IconData
wind_2 → const IconData
woman → const IconData