walkFhirPath function

List walkFhirPath({
  1. required Map<String, dynamic>? context,
  2. required String pathExpression,
  3. Map<String, dynamic>? resource,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? rootResource,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? environment,
  6. FhirVersion version = FhirVersion.r4,

Start here! This is where the fun begins. This is a bit confusing, so we'll explain the arguments that can be passed.

The FHIRPath specification defines the following inputs:


context Is the original node that was passed to the evaluation engine before starting evaluation.

Should always be passed in through the context parameter.


resource the resource that contains the original node that is in %context

May be passed in either through an entry in the environment map, named "%resource", or through the dedicated parameter. A non-null dedicated parameter takes precedence.


rootResource the container resource for the resource identified by %resource

May be passed in either through an entry in the environment map, named "%rootResource", or through the dedicated parameter. A non-null dedicated parameter takes precedence.

environment variables / resources

environment - arbitrary named environment variables. These should be passed in as a map, where each key has the format "%variable-name".

  "%pi": 3.1415927,
  "%myname": "Grey"

*** Lazy-loading *** Instead of a static value, the environment may map keys to functions which return the actual value. These functions will only be evaluated when the variable is accessed. This lazy evaluation may boost performance, for instance when iif is used to determine which of two expensive objects is to be used.

The lazy-loading mechanism is currently only supported through the environment map, not for explicitly passed-in parameters.


List<dynamic> walkFhirPath({
  required Map<String, dynamic>? context,
  required String pathExpression,
  Map<String, dynamic>? resource,
  Map<String, dynamic>? rootResource,
  Map<String, dynamic>? environment,
  FhirVersion version = FhirVersion.r4,
}) {
  final ast = parseFhirPath(pathExpression);
  return executeFhirPath(
    context: context,
    parsedFhirPath: ast,
    pathExpression: pathExpression,
    resource: resource,
    rootResource: rootResource,
    environment: environment,
    version: version,