isQuantity function

bool isQuantity(
  1. dynamic value

Validating function. First checks if passed value is a FhirPathQuantity or a Quantity from any type of FHIR version. If not, it checks if it is a Map that contains both a numerical value, as well as a unit as defined by the UCUM specification (, as long as it meets these requirements it is considered a valid Quantity for FHIRPath (


bool isQuantity(value) => value is FhirPathQuantity ||
        value is r4.Quantity ||
        value is r5.Quantity ||
        value is dstu2.Quantity ||
        value is stu3.Quantity
    ? true
    : value is Map
        ? value['value'] != null &&
            num.tryParse(value['value'].toString()) != null &&
            value['code'] != null &&
        : false;