execute method
The iterable, nested function that evaluates the entire FHIRPath expression one object at a time
List execute(List results, Map<String, dynamic> passed) {
final executedBefore = before.execute(results.toList(), passed);
final executedAfter = after.execute(results.toList(), passed);
if (executedBefore.isEmpty) {
return (executedAfter.isEmpty) ? [] : [false];
if (executedBefore.length > 1) {
throw FhirPathEvaluationException(
"The 'in' operator is expecting a single item on its left side. Found $executedBefore",
operation: 'in',
collection: results);
final leftItem = executedBefore.first.toString();
return [
executedAfter.firstWhere((rightItem) => rightItem.toString() == leftItem,
orElse: () => null) !=