getEncryptSembastCodecAES function

SembastCodec getEncryptSembastCodecAES({
  1. required String password,

Create a codec to use to open a database with encrypted stored data.

Hash (sha256 - because someone told me they didn't like md5) of the password is used (but never stored) as a key to encrypt the data using the AES-256 algorithm with a random (8 bytes) initial value

This is just used as a demonstration and should not be considered as a reference since its implementation (and storage format) might change.

No performance metrics has been made to check whether this is a viable solution for big databases.

The usage is then

Initialize the encryption codec with a user password
var codec = getEncryptSembastCodec(password: 'your_user_password');
Open the database with the codec
Database db = await factory.openDatabase(dbPath, codec: codec);

...your database is ready to use


SembastCodec getEncryptSembastCodecAES({required String password}) =>
        signature: _encryptCodecSignature,
        codec: _EncryptCodec(_generateEncryptPassword(password)));