FhirBulk class abstract

Class doing the lifting for transforming regular FHIR json into formats more conducive to be transferred, and also accepting these formats and turning them back into normal json to be used with the base FHIR package




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromCompressedData(String contentType, dynamic content) Future<List<Resource>>
Accepts data that is zipped, x-zip-compressed, tar, or gz. Note, this function assumes that all uncompressed data is in ndjson format
fromCompressedFile(String path) Future<List<Resource>>
Accepts a file of data that is zipped, x-zip-compressed, tar, or gz. Note, this function assumes that all uncompressed data is in ndjson format
fromFile(String path) Future<List<Resource>>
Accepts a path to a file in ndjson format. It opens the file and then calls the from NdJson function
fromNdJson(String content) List<Resource>
Accepts a String in ndJson format and converts it into a list of resources
toGZipFile(Map<String, String> ndJsonStrings) List<int>?
This function converts a map of ndJson Strings (really any strings, but it was made for ndJson strings), and converts them into the bytes for a .gz file.
toNdJson(List<Resource> resources) String
Accepts a list of resoures and returns them as a single String (which could be put into a file) which follows the ndJson format
toTarGzFile(Map<String, String> ndJsonStrings) Future<List<int>?>
This function converts a map of ndJson Strings (really any strings, but it was made for ndJson strings), and converts them into the bytes for a .tar.gz file.
toZipFile(Map<String, String> ndJsonStrings) Future<List<int>?>
This function converts a map of ndJson Strings (really any strings, but it was made for ndJson strings), and converts them into the bytes for a .zip file.