SmartAuthorizationCodeGrant constructor

  1. String identifier,
  2. Uri authorizationEndpoint,
  3. Uri tokenEndpoint, {
  4. String? secret,
  5. String? delimiter,
  6. bool basicAuth = true,
  7. Client? httpClient,
  8. CredentialsRefreshedCallback? onCredentialsRefreshed,
  9. Map<String, dynamic> getParameters(
    1. MediaType? contentType,
    2. String body
  10. String? codeVerifier,

Creates a new grant.

If basicAuth is true (the default), the client credentials are sent to the server using using HTTP Basic authentication as defined in RFC 2617. Otherwise, they're included in the request body. Note that the latter form is not recommended by the OAuth 2.0 spec, and should only be used if the server doesn't support Basic authentication.

RFC 2617

httpClient is used for all HTTP requests made by this grant, as well as those of the Client is constructs.

onCredentialsRefreshed will be called by the constructed Client whenever the credentials are refreshed.

codeVerifier String to be used as PKCE code verifier. If none is provided a random codeVerifier will be generated. The codeVerifier must meet requirements specified in RFC 7636.

RFC 7636

The scope strings will be separated by the provided delimiter. This defaults to " ", the OAuth2 standard, but some APIs (such as Facebook's) use non-standard delimiters.

By default, this follows the OAuth2 spec and requires the server's responses to be in JSON format. However, some servers return non-standard response formats, which can be parsed using the getParameters function.

This function is passed the Content-Type header of the response as well as its body as a UTF-8-decoded string. It should return a map in the same format as the standard JSON response.

standard JSON response


    this.identifier, this.authorizationEndpoint, this.tokenEndpoint,
    String? delimiter,
    bool basicAuth = true,
    http.Client? httpClient,
    CredentialsRefreshedCallback? onCredentialsRefreshed,
    Map<String, dynamic> Function(MediaType? contentType, String body)?
    String? codeVerifier})
    : _basicAuth = basicAuth,
      _httpClient = httpClient ?? http.Client(),
      _delimiter = delimiter ?? ' ',
      _getParameters = getParameters ?? parseJsonParameters,
      _onCredentialsRefreshed = onCredentialsRefreshed,
      _codeVerifier = codeVerifier ?? _createCodeVerifier();