Scopes constructor
const factory Scopes({
/// see the clinical scopes class for details
List<ClinicalScope>? clinicalScopes,
/// permission to retrieve information about the current logged-in user
/// almost always coupled with fhirUser
bool? openid,
/// permission to retrieve information about the current logged-in user
/// almost always coupled with openid
bool? fhirUser,
/// this is being deprecated but still commonly required
bool? profile,
/// will this app require offline access? specifies the kind of token that
/// will be returned
bool? offlineAccess,
/// will this app require online access? specifies the kind of token that
/// will be returned
bool? onlineAccess,
///if this app is going to be launched from within an EHR
bool? ehrLaunch,
/// if the context of this app is about a specific patient
bool? patientLaunch,
/// if the context of this app is in regards to a specific encounter
bool? encounterLaunch,
/// does this request need a patient banner
bool? needPatientBanner,
/// I'm not actually sure what this does
bool? smartOrchestrateLaunch,
/// String value describing the intent of the application launch
String? intent,
List<String>? additional,
}) = _Scopes;