patternTime property

FhirTime? get patternTime

patternTime Specifies a value that each occurrence of the element in the instance SHALL follow - that is, any value in the pattern must be found in the instance, if the element has a value. Other additional values may be found too. This is effectively constraint by example. When patternx is used to constrain a primitive, it means that the value provided in the patternx must match the instance value exactly.

When an element within a patternx is used to constrain an array, it means that each element provided in the patternx must (recursively) match at least one element from the instance array.

When patternx is used to constrain a complex object, it means that each property in the pattern must be present in the complex object, and its value must recursively match -- i.e.,

  1. If primitive: it must match exactly the pattern value
  2. If a complex object: it must match (recursively) the pattern value
  3. If an array: it must match (recursively) the pattern value

If a patternx is declared on a repeating element, the pattern applies to all repetitions. If the desire is for a pattern to apply to only one element or a subset of elements, slicing must be used. See Examples of Patterns for examples of pattern usage and the effect it will have.


FhirTime? get patternTime => throw _privateConstructorUsedError;