RequirementsStatement constructor

const RequirementsStatement({
  1. @JsonKey(name: 'id') String? fhirId,
  2. @JsonKey(name: 'extension') List<FhirExtension>? extension_,
  3. List<FhirExtension>? modifierExtension,
  4. FhirId? key,
  5. @JsonKey(name: '_key') Element? keyElement,
  6. String? label,
  7. @JsonKey(name: '_label') Element? labelElement,
  8. List<FhirCode>? conformance,
  9. @JsonKey(name: '_conformance') List<Element>? conformanceElement,
  10. FhirBoolean? conditionality,
  11. @JsonKey(name: '_conditionality') Element? conditionalityElement,
  12. FhirMarkdown? requirement,
  13. @JsonKey(name: '_requirement') Element? requirementElement,
  14. String? derivedFrom,
  15. @JsonKey(name: '_derivedFrom') Element? derivedFromElement,
  16. String? parent,
  17. @JsonKey(name: '_parent') Element? parentElement,
  18. List<FhirUrl>? satisfiedBy,
  19. @JsonKey(name: '_satisfiedBy') List<Element>? satisfiedByElement,
  20. List<FhirUrl>? reference,
  21. @JsonKey(name: '_reference') List<Element>? referenceElement,
  22. List<Reference>? source,

RequirementsStatement A set of requirements - a list of features or behaviors of designed systems that are necessary to achieve organizational or regulatory goals.

id Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.

extension_ ("extension") May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and managable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.

modifierExtension May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and managable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions.Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself).

key Key that identifies this statement (unique within this resource).

keyElement ("_key") Extensions for key

label A short human usable label for this statement.

labelElement ("_label") Extensions for label

conformance A short human usable label for this statement.

conformanceElement ("_conformance") Extensions for conformance

conditionality This boolean flag is set to true of the text of the requirement is conditional on something e.g. it includes lanauage like 'if x then y'. This conditionality flag is introduced for purposes of filtering and colour highlighting etc.

conditionalityElement ("_conditionality") Extensions for conditionality

requirement The actual requirement for human consumption.

requirementElement ("_requirement") Extensions for requirement

derivedFrom Another statement on one of the requirements that this requirement clarifies or restricts.

derivedFromElement ("_derivedFrom") Extensions for derivedFrom

parent A larger requirement that this requirement helps to refine and enable.

parentElement ("_parent") Extensions for parent

satisfiedBy A reference to another artifact that satisfies this requirement. This could be a Profile, extension, or an element in one of those, or a CapabilityStatement, OperationDefinition, SearchParameter, CodeSystem(/code), ValueSet, Libary etc.

satisfiedByElement ("_satisfiedBy") Extensions for satisfiedBy

reference A reference to another artifact that created this requirement. This could be a Profile, etc., or external regulation, or business requirements expressed elsewhere.

referenceElement ("_reference") Extensions for reference

source Who asked for this statement to be a requirement. By default, it's assumed that the publisher knows who it is if it matters.


const factory RequirementsStatement({
  /// [id] Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal
  ///  references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces.
  @JsonKey(name: 'id') String? fhirId,

  /// [extension_] ("extension") May be used to represent additional
  ///  information that is not part of the basic definition of the element.
  ///  To make the use of extensions safe and managable, there is a strict
  ///  set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions.
  ///  Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of
  ///  requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the
  ///  extension.
  @JsonKey(name: 'extension') List<FhirExtension>? extension_,

  /// [modifierExtension] May be used to represent additional information
  ///  that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that
  ///  modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained
  ///  and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants.
  ///  Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make
  ///  the use of extensions safe and managable, there is a strict set of
  ///  governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any
  ///  implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements
  ///  that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension.
  ///  Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier
  ///  extensions.Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any
  ///  elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the
  ///  meaning of modifierExtension itself).
  List<FhirExtension>? modifierExtension,

  /// [key] Key that identifies this statement (unique within this resource).
  FhirId? key,

  /// [keyElement] ("_key") Extensions for key
  @JsonKey(name: '_key') Element? keyElement,

  /// [label] A short human usable label for this statement.
  String? label,

  /// [labelElement] ("_label") Extensions for label
  @JsonKey(name: '_label') Element? labelElement,

  /// [conformance] A short human usable label for this statement.
  List<FhirCode>? conformance,

  /// [conformanceElement] ("_conformance") Extensions for conformance
  @JsonKey(name: '_conformance') List<Element>? conformanceElement,

  /// [conditionality] This boolean flag is set to true of the text of the
  ///  requirement is conditional on something e.g. it includes lanauage like
  ///  'if x then y'. This conditionality flag is introduced for purposes of
  ///  filtering and colour highlighting etc.
  FhirBoolean? conditionality,

  /// [conditionalityElement] ("_conditionality") Extensions for
  ///  conditionality
  @JsonKey(name: '_conditionality') Element? conditionalityElement,

  /// [requirement] The actual requirement for human consumption.
  FhirMarkdown? requirement,

  /// [requirementElement] ("_requirement") Extensions for requirement
  @JsonKey(name: '_requirement') Element? requirementElement,

  /// [derivedFrom] Another statement on one of the requirements that this
  ///  requirement clarifies or restricts.
  String? derivedFrom,

  /// [derivedFromElement] ("_derivedFrom") Extensions for derivedFrom
  @JsonKey(name: '_derivedFrom') Element? derivedFromElement,

  /// [parent] A larger requirement that this requirement helps to refine and
  ///  enable.
  String? parent,

  /// [parentElement] ("_parent") Extensions for parent
  @JsonKey(name: '_parent') Element? parentElement,

  /// [satisfiedBy] A reference to another artifact that satisfies this
  ///  requirement. This could be a Profile, extension, or an element in one
  ///  of those, or a CapabilityStatement, OperationDefinition,
  ///  SearchParameter, CodeSystem(/code), ValueSet, Libary etc.
  List<FhirUrl>? satisfiedBy,

  /// [satisfiedByElement] ("_satisfiedBy") Extensions for satisfiedBy
  @JsonKey(name: '_satisfiedBy') List<Element>? satisfiedByElement,

  /// [reference] A reference to another artifact that created this
  ///  requirement. This could be a Profile, etc., or external regulation, or
  ///  business requirements expressed elsewhere.
  List<FhirUrl>? reference,

  /// [referenceElement] ("_reference") Extensions for reference
  @JsonKey(name: '_reference') List<Element>? referenceElement,

  /// [source] Who asked for this statement to be a requirement. By default,
  ///  it's assumed that the publisher knows who it is if it matters.
  List<Reference>? source,
}) = _RequirementsStatement;