Generate new classes (screen, viewmodel, repository, service) with a single command. Expand these options by adding your own templates (see below).


dart pub global activate fgen

Using the command

fgen login -svrw

Will generate:

  • (-s) LoginScreen (+ navigator/navigation code)
  • (-v) LoginViewModel
  • (-r) LoginRepository
  • (-w) LoginService + LoginWebService

All generated files depend when needed on the relevant other generated files. So

  • Screen -> ViewModel
  • ViewModel -> Repository
  • Repository -> Service

See the example folder to check the generated files

You can add additional options to the command by using custom templates.

Custom templates


You can use custom templates by adding a .fgen folder in the root of your project or by defining the location of the folder in your pubspec by adding the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  templates_folder: .fgen

The templates folder should contain a templates.yaml file with the following structure:

dialog: # name of the template and also the command to use it. In this case --dialog
  folder: screen # folder where the file should be generated in
  template_files: # list of files to generate
    - dialog.dart: _dialog # template file in this folder: suffix to be added to the generated file (in this case running with name 'test' will result in test_dialog.dart)
  abbr: d # abbreviation to use for the command, rather than using --dashboard, you can use -d
  help: Generate a dialog, if viewmodel is generated, will add ProviderWidget # help text to show when running fgen --help

You can use the default names or abbreviations to override the default templates. (--screen -s, --viewmodel -v, --repository -r, --webservice -w).

You can check if the templates have been detected by running fgen --help:

% fgen --help
Found templates: 5
-h, --help          Print this help
-d, --dialog        Generate a dialog, if viewmodel is generated, will add ProviderWidget
-r, --repository    Generate a repository
-s, --screen        Generate a screen with baseScreen, if viewmodel is generated, will add ProviderWidget
-v, --viewmodel     Generate a viewmodel
-w, --webservice    Generate a service (abstract) and webservice (implementation) file

Template files

Below is an example of a template file. You can use the following variables:

  • fgen_name (name of the file)
  • fgen_project_name (name of the project as defined in pubspec.yaml)
  • fgen_if templatesUsedContains(otherTemplate) (if the otherTemplate is also being generated, you can use this to add extra code) end with fgen_else or fgen_endif always add /* */ around them.

Note: You can use the variables in three capitalization styles: fgen_name, FgenName and fgenName, the script will detect which one you used and replace it with the correct value. (e.g. fgen_name will be replaced with this_is_a_name and FgenName will be replaced with ThisIsAName)

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_navigation_generator_annotations/flutter_navigation_generator_annotations.dart';
/* fgen_if templatesUsedContains(viewmodel) */
import 'package:fgen_project_name/di/injectable.dart';
import 'package:fgen_project_name/viewmodel/fgen_name/fgen_name_viewmodel.dart';
import 'package:fgen_project_name/widget/provider/provider_widget.dart';
/* fgen_else */
import 'package:fgen_project_name/widget/provider/data_provider_widget.dart';
/* fgen_endif */

class FgenNameScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const FgenNameScreen({super.key});

  FgenNameScreenState createState() => FgenNameScreenState();

class FgenNameScreenState extends State<FgenNameScreen> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/* fgen_if templatesUsedContains(viewmodel) */
    return ProviderWidget<FgenNameViewModel>(
      create: () => getIt()..init(),
      childBuilderWithViewModel: (context, viewModel, theme, localization) =>
/* fgen_else */
    return DataProviderWidget(
      childBuilder: (context, theme, localization) => Container(),
/* fgen_endif */

Default templates

The code generated with the default templates is compatible and based on the icapps template code. See flutter-template for the latest state.

