util library


Prime number generator.


ComplexArray on Float64x2List
Extension methods for Float64x2List, representing a list of complex numbers.


primes Primes
Static Primes object used to cache prime numbers between all the functions that need prime numbers.


expMod(int g, int k, int n) int
Returns g^k mod n.
highestBit(int x) int
Returns the highest set bit of x, where x is a power of 2.
isPowerOf2(int x) bool
Returns whether x is a power of two: 1, 2, 4, 8, ...
isPrime(int n) bool
Returns whether n is a prime number.
largestPrimeFactor(int n) int
Returns the largest prime factor of n.
largestPrimeFactorIsAbove(int n, int k) bool
Returns whether largestPrimeFactor(n) > k.
mergeTwosIntoFours(List<int> p) List<int>
Merges all the twos in a prime decomposition into fours.
multiplicativeInverseOfPrime(int x, int n) int
Returns the multiplicative inverse of x mod n, where n is a prime.
nextPowerOf2(int x) int
Returns the smallest power of two equal or greater than x.
primeDecomp(int n) List<int>
Returns the prime decomposition of n.
primeFactors(int n) List<int>
Returns the unique prime factors of n.
primePaddingHeuristic(int n) bool
Returns whether padding the PrimeFFT to a power of two size is likely to be faster than not padding it.
primitiveRootOfPrime(int n) int
Returns the primitive root of n, where n is a prime > 2.
twiddleFactors(int n) Float64x2List
Returns the twiddle factors for an FFT of size n. Aka the complex n-th roots of 1.