FFmpegKitConfig class

Configuration class of "FFmpegKit" library.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

argumentsToString(List<String>? arguments) String
Concatenates arguments into a string adding a space character between two arguments.
asyncFFmpegExecute(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession) Future<void>
Starts an asynchronous FFmpeg execution for the given session.
asyncFFprobeExecute(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession) Future<void>
Starts an asynchronous FFprobe execution for the given session.
asyncGetMediaInformationExecute(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession, [int? waitTimeout = null]) Future<void>
Starts an asynchronous FFprobe execution for the given media information session.
clearSessions() Future<void>
Clears all, including ongoing, sessions in the session history. Note that callbacks cannot be triggered for deleted sessions.
closeFFmpegPipe(String ffmpegPipePath) Future<void>
Closes a previously created "FFmpeg" pipe.
disableLogs() Future<void>
Disable logs.
disableRedirection() Future<void>
Disables log and statistics redirection.
disableStatistics() Future<void>
Disables statistics.
enableFFmpegSessionCompleteCallback([FFmpegSessionCompleteCallback? ffmpegSessionCompleteCallback = null]) → void
Sets a global FFmpegSessionCompleteCallback to receive execution results for FFmpeg sessions.
enableFFprobeSessionCompleteCallback([FFprobeSessionCompleteCallback? ffprobeSessionCompleteCallback = null]) → void
Sets a global FFprobeSessionCompleteCallback to receive execution results for FFprobe sessions.
enableLogCallback([LogCallback? logCallback = null]) → void
Sets a global callback to redirect FFmpeg/FFprobe logs.
enableLogs() Future<void>
Enables logs.
enableMediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback([MediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback? mediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback = null]) → void
Sets a global MediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback to receive execution results for MediaInformation sessions.
enableRedirection() Future<void>
Enables log and statistics redirection.
enableStatistics() Future<void>
Enables statistics.
enableStatisticsCallback([StatisticsCallback? statisticsCallback = null]) → void
Sets a global callback to redirect FFmpeg statistics.
ffmpegExecute(FFmpegSession ffmpegSession) Future<void>
Synchronously executes the FFmpeg session provided.
ffprobeExecute(FFprobeSession ffprobeSession) Future<void>
Synchronously executes the FFprobe session provided.
getBuildDate() Future<String?>
Returns FFmpegKit native library build date.
getFFmpegSessionCompleteCallback() FFmpegSessionCompleteCallback?
Returns the global FFmpegSessionCompleteCallback set.
getFFmpegSessions() Future<List<FFmpegSession>>
Returns all FFmpeg sessions in the session history.
getFFmpegVersion() Future<String?>
Returns the version of FFmpeg bundled within "FFmpegKit" library.
getFFprobeSessionCompleteCallback() FFprobeSessionCompleteCallback?
Returns the global FFprobeSessionCompleteCallback set.
getFFprobeSessions() Future<List<FFprobeSession>>
Returns all FFprobe sessions in the session history.
getLastCompletedSession() Future<Session?>
Returns the last session completed from the session history.
getLastSession() Future<Session?>
Returns the last session created from the session history.
getLogLevel() int
Returns the current log level.
getLogRedirectionStrategy() LogRedirectionStrategy
Returns the active log redirection strategy.
getMediaInformationExecute(MediaInformationSession mediaInformationSession, [int? waitTimeout = null]) Future<void>
Synchronously executes the media information session provided.
getMediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback() MediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback?
Returns the global MediaInformationSessionCompleteCallback set.
getMediaInformationSessions() Future<List<MediaInformationSession>>
Returns all MediaInformation sessions in the session history.
getPlatform() Future<String?>
Returns the platform name the library is loaded on.
getSafParameter(String uriString, String openMode) Future<String?>
Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri into an saf protocol url opened with the given open mode.
getSafParameterForRead(String uriString) Future<String?>
Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") into an input url that can be used in FFmpeg and FFprobe commands.
getSafParameterForWrite(String uriString) Future<String?>
Converts the given Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") into an output url that can be used in FFmpeg and FFprobe commands.
getSession(int sessionId) Future<Session?>
Returns the session specified with "sessionId" from the session history.
getSessionHistorySize() Future<int?>
Returns the session history size.
getSessions() Future<List<Session>>
Returns all sessions in the session history.
getSessionsByState(SessionState sessionState) Future<List<Session>>
Returns sessions that have sessionState.
getVersion() Future<String>
Returns FFmpegKit Flutter library version.
ignoreSignal(Signal signal) Future<void>
Registers a new ignored signal. Ignored signals are not handled by "FFmpegKit" library.
init() Future<void>
Initializes the library asynchronously.
isLTSBuild() Future<bool>
Returns whether FFmpegKit release is a Long Term Release or not.
messagesInTransmit(int sessionId) Future<int?>
Returns the number of messages that are not transmitted to the Flutter callbacks yet for this session.
parseArguments(String command) List<String>
Parses command into arguments. Uses space character to split the arguments. Supports single and double quote characters.
registerNewFFmpegPipe() Future<String?>
Creates a new named pipe to use in "FFmpeg" operations.
selectDocumentForRead([String? type = null, List<String>? extraTypes = null]) Future<String?>
Displays the native file dialog to select a file in read mode. If a file is selected then this method returns the Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") for that file.
selectDocumentForWrite([String? title = null, String? type = null, List<String>? extraTypes = null]) Future<String?>
Displays the native file dialog to select a file in write mode. If a file is selected then this method returns the Structured Access Framework Uri ("content:…") for that file.
sessionStateToString(SessionState state) String
Returns the string representation of the SessionState provided.
setEnvironmentVariable(String name, String value) Future<void>
Sets an environment variable.
setFontconfigConfigurationPath(String path) Future<void>
Sets and overrides "fontconfig" configuration directory.
setFontDirectory(String path, [Map<String, String>? mapping = null]) Future<void>
Registers the fonts inside the given path, so they become available to use in FFmpeg filters.
setFontDirectoryList(List<String> fontDirectoryList, [Map<String, String>? mapping = null]) Future<void>
Registers the fonts inside the given list of font directories, so they become available to use in FFmpeg filters.
setLogLevel(int logLevel) Future<void>
Sets the log level.
setLogRedirectionStrategy(LogRedirectionStrategy logRedirectionStrategy) → void
Sets the log redirection strategy.
setSessionHistorySize(int sessionHistorySize) Future<void>
Sets the session history size.
writeToPipe(String inputPath, String pipePath) Future<int?>
Writes inputPath to pipePath.