run static method

Future<FfprobeResult> run(
  1. String filepath, {
  2. String? workingDir,

Runs the FFMPEG ffprobe CLI command against the given filepath.


static Future<FfprobeResult> run(
  String filepath, {
  String? workingDir,
}) async {
  final result = await'ffprobe', [

  if (result.exitCode != 0) {
    print('Failed to run ffprobe for "$filepath"');
    throw Exception('ffprobe returned error: ${result.exitCode}\n${result.stderr}');

  if (result.stdout == null || result.stdout is! String || (result.stdout as String).isEmpty) {
    throw Exception('ffprobe did not output expected data: ${result.stdout}');

  final json = jsonDecode(result.stdout);
  return FfprobeResult.fromJson(json);