addAsset method

FfmpegStream addAsset(
  1. String assetPath, {
  2. bool hasVideo = true,
  3. bool hasAudio = true,

Adds an input asset at the given assetPath.

If hasVideo is true, the asset is processed for video frames. If hasAudio is true, the asset is processed for audio streams.


FfmpegStream addAsset(
  String assetPath, {
  bool hasVideo = true,
  bool hasAudio = true,
}) {
  final input = FfmpegInput.asset(assetPath);

  // Generate video and audio stream IDs using the format that
  // FFMPEG expects.
  final videoId = hasVideo
      ? hasVideo && hasAudio
          ? '[${_inputs.length}:v]'
          : '[${_inputs.length}]'
      : null;
  final audioId = hasAudio
      ? hasVideo && hasAudio
          ? '[${_inputs.length}:a]'
          : '[${_inputs.length}]'
      : null;

      () => FfmpegStream(
            videoId: videoId,
            audioId: audioId,

  return _inputs[input]!;