Timed Operations

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Timed Operations provides better handling of timed operations such as Debounce Throttle operations.

Additionally, it provides optional callbacks to handle different states and outcomes, such as errors, waiting states, null or empty data, and successful completion of the operation.


  • Debounce (async/sync)
  • Throttle (async/sync)
  • Extensive handling (optional)



Throttles a synchronous operation by preventing it from being executed more frequently than the specified throttle duration, and executes a success callback with the result of the operation.

  callId: 'example',
  operation: () => 1 + 1,
  onThrottle: () => print('Operation is throttled'),
  onNull: () => print('Operation returned null'),
  onEmpty: () => print('Operation returned an empty iterable or map'),
  onSuccess: (result) => print('Operation result: $result'),
  throttle: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),


Throttles the execution of an asynchronous operation and handles its result or errors based on the given callback functions. The callId parameter is used to identify the operation and avoid concurrent executions. The operation parameter is the asynchronous operation to be throttled, and duration is the duration of the throttling period.

await Throttle.async<int>(
  callId: 'example',
  operation: () async {
    // perform some async operation
    await Future.value(100);
  onThrottle: () => print('Operation is throttled'),
  onNull: () => print('Operation returned null'),
  onEmpty: () => print('Operation returned an empty iterable or map'),
  onSuccess: (result) => print('Operation result: $result'),
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
  timeout: const Duration(seconds: 5),


Runs a synchronous operation with a debounce mechanism to limit multiple calls to the same operation. This method waits for a specified duration after a call with a specific callId has been made before running the operation.

When the operation is complete, the onSuccess callback is called with the result. You can also provide optional callbacks to handle errors, waiting states, null and empty data.

  callId: 'my_call_id',
  operation: fetchSomeData,
  onSuccess: (data) => print('Got data: $data'),


Runs an asynchronous operation with a debounce mechanism to limit multiple calls to the same operation. This method waits for a specified duration after a call with a specific callId has been made before running the operation.

When the operation is complete, the onSuccess callback is called with the result. You can also provide optional callbacks to handle errors, waiting states, null and empty data.

  callId: 'my_call_id',
  operation: fetchSomeData(),
  onSuccess: (data) => print('Got data: $data'),

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This library provides classes based on timed operations such as Debounce Throttle operations.