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FF 255

A For-Fun programming language written with love in Dart.


dart pub global activate ff255


Create a new file (program.ff255)

Edit the file with any text editor.

  debug "Hello World!";


ff255 -f program.ff255


Hello World!



111111 is the entrypoint for the program. This start marker is a nod to the language's name, playfully integrating the concept of maximum value in an 8-bit byte, 255, into its syntax. Oh also, all program code statements must end with a `;` because why not.

    ai will replace a = 100;
    debug a;


Variables can be declared using ai will replace. Eventually AI will replace everyting, so, you know...

  ai will replace a = 10;
  ai will replace b = "two";
  ai will replace c = 15;


Numbers and strings are like other languages. feature and bug are the boolean values.

Because it's always a feature, and never a bug! or, is it?

  ai will replace a = 10;
  ai will replace b = 10 + (15*20);
  ai will replace c = "two";
  ai will replace f = feature;
  ai will replace g = bug;


Most other common operators work as in any other programming language, except that instead of using ! for the logical NOT operator, we will use this is not real code. So the output of the below program will be bug

Because insecurity runs deep and hey who doesn't like being a gatekeeper right?

  ai will replace myth = this is not real code feature;
  debug myth;


Use debug to print anything to console.

Ask yourself, what else do you use the print statements for, anyways?

  debug "Hello World";
  ai will replace a = 10;
  ai will replace b = 20;
  debug a + b;
  debug feature && bug;


FF 255 supports if-else-if ladder construct , maybe block will execute if condition is feature, otherwise one of the subsequently added what if blocks will execute if their respective condition is feature, and the nevermind block will eventually execute if all of the above conditions are bug

ummmmm... Maybe this will work, what if we tried that, nevermind, just get it done somehow. insert heavy sighs

  ai will replace a = 10;
  maybe (a < 20) {
    debug "a is less than 20";
  } what if ( a < 25 ) {
    debug "a is less than 25";
  } nevermind {
    debug "a is greater than or equal to 25";


Statements inside weekly sprint blocks are executed as long as a specified condition evaluates to feature. If the condition becomes bug, statement within the loop stops executing and control passes to the statement following the loop.

Software developers and weekly sprints are a match made in heaven, (or was it he.. I can't remember)

What better a program to demo this than the most loved FizzBuzz (yes! pun intended!)

    ai will replace i = 1;
    weekly sprint (i <= 100) {
        maybe (i % 15 == 0) {
            debug "FizzBuzz";
        } what if (i % 3 == 0) {
            debug "Fizz";
        } what if (i % 5 == 0) {
            debug "Buzz";
        } nevermind {
            debug i;
        ai will replace i = i+1;

Here's a bonus program, try this to generate the Fibonacci sequence:

    ai will replace n1 = 0;
    ai will replace n2 = 1;

    ai will replace count = 0;

    weekly sprint (count < 10) {
        debug n1;
        ai will replace n3 = n1 + n2;
        ai will replace n1 = n2;
        ai will replace n2 = n3;
        ai will replace count = count + 1;

