imageToBinary method
Future<String> imageToBinary(String imagePath) async {
Uint8List imageBytes;
ByteData bytes = ByteData(0);
if (imagePath.contains('assets')) {
bytes = await rootBundle.load(imagePath);
imageBytes = bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
} else {
imageBytes = File(imagePath).readAsBytesSync();
// ByteData bytes = await rootBundle.load(Path);
List<String> colors = [];
image_lib.Image? image = image_lib.PngDecoder().decodeImage(imageBytes);
if (image == null) {
print('Image is null');
int? width = image?.width;
int? height = image?.height;
for (int i = 0; i < height!; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width!; j++) {
int? pixel = image?.getPixel(j, i);
var color = pixel?.toInt() ?? 0;
int red = image_lib.getRed(color);
int green = image_lib.getGreen(color);
int blue = image_lib.getBlue(color);
// int alpha = image_lib.getAlpha(color);
// colors.add(alpha.toRadixString(2));
// remove "," and "[" and "]" from the colors list
String imgBin = colors.toString();
imgBin = imgBin.replaceAll(",", "");
imgBin = imgBin.replaceAll("[", "");
imgBin = imgBin.replaceAll("]", "");
imgBin = imgBin.replaceAll(" ", "");
return imgBin;