Fancy fetch data package lets you add with a beautiful gradient container to your Flutter app.

Installation Add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and rundart pub get): dependencies: fetchdata: ^0.0.1



Getting started

you can use easil


Import the package and use it in your Flutter App. import 'package:fetchdata/fetchdata.dart'; Example There are a number of properties that you can modify:

height width title subtitle gradient (color1 and color2) class FancyScreen extends StatelessWidget {
const FancyScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: const FancyContainer(
title: 'Hello World',
color1: Colors.lightGreenAccent,
color2: Colors.lightBlue,
subtitle: 'This is a new package',

const like = 'sample';

Additional information

no addeitional info

