
A library to easily and asynchronously download a list of URLs in parallel, using a given maximum number of concurrent connections. This lets you download a list of hundreds of files, while only ever downloading a few at the same time.



A simple usage example:

import 'package:fetch_pool/fetch_pool.dart';

main() {
  const urls = [
    "https://some.invalid.url/to/simulate/an/error", // intentional

  final pool = FetchPool(maxConcurrent: 2, urls: urls, destinationDirectory: "./deep/path/to/images");
  final results = await pool.fetch(progressCallback: (progress) {
    print('Total progress: $progress');

  results.forEach((url, result) {
    if (result.isSuccess) {
      print('SUCCESS: ${url} > ${result.localPath}');
    } else {
      print('FAILURE: ${url} > ${result.error}');

The above code will try to download the list of URLs to the given destinationDirectory. It will use a maximum of two concurrent connections and report on the total progress using the given progressCallback.

By default, the downloaded files will be named using the FetchPoolFileNamingStrategy.basename strategy. That means that a URL like https://test.com/img.png?a=123&b=456 will result in a local filename of img.png. Using basenameWithQueryParams would result in img_a_123_b_456.png. Using base64EncodedUrl base64 encodes the whole URL and would result in a local filename of aHR0cHM6Ly90ZXN0LmNvbS9pbWcucG5nP2E9MTIzJmI9NDU2.


FetchPool is a project by TSG, a full-service digital agency taking software from concept to launch. Our powerhouse team of designers and engineers build iOS, Android, and web apps across many industries.


A library to download a list of URLs in parallel while limiting max concurrent downloads.