Fetch GraphQL Schema

Fetch and print the GraphQL schema from a GraphQL HTTP endpoint and make code generation easier

Quick Start 🚀

Installing 🧑‍💻

dart pub global activate fetch_graphql_schema

Or install a specific version using:

dart pub global activate fetch_graphql_schema <version>

Commands ✨

fetch_graphql_schema fetch

Fetch and print the GraphQL schema from a GraphQL HTTP endpoint.

Usage: fetch_graphql_schema fetch [arguments]
  -h, --help     Print this usage information.
  --[no-]json    Output in JSON format (based on introspection query)
  --url          GraphQL HTTP endpoint to fetch schema
  --header       Add a custom header (ex. 'Authorization=Bearer ABC','Version=2.1.0')

Run "fetch_graphql_schema help" to see global options.


# fetch and print
fetch_graphql_schema fetch

fetch_graphql_schema upgrade

Updates Fetch GraphQL Schema CLI to latest version.

Usage: fetch_graphql_schema upgrade [arguments]
-h, --help                               Print this usage information.

Run "fetch_graphql_schema help" to see global options.
