refresh<T> function
Refreshes the feed, ensure null value at the end of the list
ThunkAction<SwipeFeedState<T>> refresh<T>({Function? onComplete}) {
return (Store<SwipeFeedState<T>> store) async {
bool loading = store.state.loading;
// Ensure one element is present inside of the list
final showItem = SwipeFeedCardState.tower();
final placeholder = Tuple2(null, showItem);
Store<SwipeFeedCardState> lastItem = store.state.items[0].item2;
// Wait time for loading card to go from hiding state to show state
// May need to be minipulated depending on the state
// If the card is initially loading then wait 500 miliseconds
// If the card is going from no items state to loading state after reset is called should it wait 500 ms
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500)).then((value){
// Load more items
Tuple2<List<T>, String?> loaded = await (store as Store<SwipeFeedState<T>>).state.loader(SwipeFeedState.LENGTH_INCREASE_FACTOR, null);
// New Items Loaded
List<T> newItems = loaded.item1;
// Old items will be empty but just a procaution
// This will just be the null placeholder
// The set items event seen above ensures this
List<Tuple2<T?, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>> oldItems = store.state.items;
String? pageToken = loaded.item2;
//If there is no next page, then has more is false
//Has to be greater then 10 to have has more not get set to false ** This has been removed
if(pageToken == null){
//Set page token
/// Generate new items
List<Tuple2<T, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>> items =
List<Tuple2<T, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>>.generate(
newItems.length, (i) => Tuple2(newItems[i], SwipeFeedCardState.tower()));
// Shift add new items into state
final newState = shiftAdd(oldItems, items);
// Show first card
if(newState[0].item1 != null && items.isNotEmpty){
newState.firstWhere((element) => element.item1 == null).item2.dispatch(SetSwipeFeedCardState(SwipeCardHideState()));
newState[0] = Tuple2(newState[0].item1, SwipeFeedCardState.tower(SwipeCardShowState()));
else {
/// Animate from loading card back to hide state
/// Duration between animating back to hide state and displaying no items or connectivity
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 200));
/// Set card back to hide state because no items loaded in
lastItem.dispatch(SetSwipeFeedCardState(SwipeCardHideState(!store.state.connectivity ? store.state.connectivityError : store.state.noMoreItems)));
if(onComplete != null){