loadMore<T> function

ThunkAction<SwipeFeedState<T>> loadMore<T>()


ThunkAction<SwipeFeedState<T>> loadMore<T>() {
  return (Store<SwipeFeedState<T>> store) async {

    // Ensure not loading
    if(!store.state.loading && store.state.hasMore){

      // Loading

      // Add PlaceHolder Card at the end of the list
      bool wasEmpty = store.state.items.isEmpty;
      bool wasLast = store.state.items.isNotEmpty && store.state.items[0].item1 == null;
      Tower<SwipeFeedCardState>? showItem;
      var placeholder;
      // Add last card if it does not already exsist
      // This should never be ran but is an ensurance
      if(wasEmpty || store.state.items.last.item1 != null){
        showItem = SwipeFeedCardState.tower();
        placeholder = Tuple2<T?, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>(null, showItem);
        store.dispatch(SetItemsEvent<T>([...store.state.items, placeholder]));
      else if(wasLast){
        // If load more is called on the last item in the list then dispatch loading state

      // Load More Items
      Tuple2<List<T>, String?> loaded = await store.state.loader(SwipeFeedState.LENGTH_INCREASE_FACTOR, store.state.pageToken);

      // New items
      List<T> newItems = loaded.item1;

      // Old items will not be empty here and could have more then just the null value
      // This differs from the refresh function
      List<Tuple2<T?, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>> oldItems = store.state.items;

      // Page token
      String? pageToken = loaded.item2;

      //If there is no next page, then has more is false
      //Has to be greater then 10 to have has more not get set to false
      if(pageToken == null){

      // Set the page token

      /// Generate new items
      List<Tuple2<T, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>> items =
        List<Tuple2<T, Store<SwipeFeedCardState>>>.generate(
        newItems.length, (i) => Tuple2(newItems[i], SwipeFeedCardState.tower()));

      /// Shift add the new items to the list to ensure the null value is still present
      store.dispatch(SetItemsEvent(shiftAdd(oldItems, items)));

