setFeatureState method

Future<ApiResponse> setFeatureState(
  1. String sdkUrl,
  2. String featureKey,
  3. FeatureStateUpdate featureStateUpdate, {
  4. Options? options,


Future<ApiResponse> setFeatureState(
    String sdkUrl, String featureKey, FeatureStateUpdate featureStateUpdate,
    {Options? options}) async {
  Object postBody = featureStateUpdate;

  // create path and map variables
  final __path = '/features/{sdkUrl}/{featureKey}'
          '{' + 'sdkUrl' + '}', LocalApiClient.parameterToString(sdkUrl)!)
      .replaceAll('{' + 'featureKey' + '}',

  // query params
  final queryParams = <QueryParam>[];
  final headerParams = <String, String>{}
    ..addAll(options?.headers?.cast<String, String>() ?? {});
  if (!headerParams.containsKey('Accept')) {
    // we only want to accept this format as we can parse it
    headerParams['Accept'] = 'application/json';

  final authNames = <String>[];
  final opt = options ?? Options();

  final contentTypes = ['application/json'];

  if (contentTypes.isNotEmpty && headerParams['Content-Type'] == null) {
    headerParams['Content-Type'] = contentTypes[0];
  postBody = LocalApiClient.serialize(postBody);

      .removeWhere((key, value) => value.isEmpty); // remove empty headers
  opt.headers = headerParams;
  opt.method = 'PUT';

  return await apiClient.invokeAPI(
      __path, queryParams, postBody, authNames, opt);